Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 19.02.2020

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Cray chystá superpočítač pro americké námořnictvo, padne 5 m² křemíku na CPU/GPU - 12:00
- Koronavirus sníží výrobu hardwaru v prvním kvartálu až o 5-16 % - 08:00
- AMD: Windows 10 Pro by měly Threadripperu stačit, výsledky recenzí ověřujeme - 00:00

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Intel Horse Ridge: čip pro zkrocení kvantového počítače - 16:00
- Poloprůhledné solární panely s technologií Quantum Dot dosáhly 16,6% účinnosti - 15:52
- Asus RTX 2060: dvě nové karty pro Mini-ITX, ovšem se dvěma ventilátory - 15:30
- Google rozjel Stadii na telefonech Samsung, Asus a Razer - 14:30

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Nissan's new vehicle subscription service lets you swap your car 'every day' - 23:18
- Sony cancels its PAX East plans due to coronavirus fears - 21:34
- Scientists develop low-cost solution that generates electricity from air - 20:27
- Ring makes two-factor authentication mandatory - 19:41
- Rockstar will return GTA IV to Steam in March after removing Games for Windows Live code - 19:06
- What was the size of the first-generation floppy disk? - 18:24
- No Man's Sky adds living spaceships in latest update - 17:49
- Groupon will no longer sell discounted goods, instead focusing on local experiences - 16:51
- Researchers show how to trick a Tesla into speeding using a piece of tape - 16:14
- Watch: Jetpack pilot reaches 6,000 feet, breaking altitude record - 13:43
- Elon Musk: Advanced AI development should be regulated, including Tesla - 12:59
- US Navy orders AMD, Nvidia-powered supercomputer with 590TB of RAM - 12:16
- Patent suggests Galaxy Note 20 could feature innovative curved screen and a projector - 11:20
- Microsoft releases all-in-one Office app for Android - 03:22
- Google Stadia is coming to 18 additional Android smartphones - 00:33

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Lil’ ESP32 Bot Does Remote Surveillance, And It’s Easy - 22:00
- Machine Inside of a Chip: How Sprite_TM Built the FPGA Game Boy Badge - 21:00