Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 19.03.2013

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- MALE VTOL Flight Testing - Day 1 - 23:56
- Golf Channel using drone to film golfers at Arnold Palmer Invitational - 23:39
- FPV Video with failsafe demonstration - 23:30
- How to Get the APM Mission Planner - 23:00
- For a SpecialDrones need special Control Console : VR Droid RC Trasmitter is available on Google ... - 21:30
- Resources for Agricultural UAVs - 21:03
- Another article about peaceful use of drone technology in the NY Times - 20:53
- MALE VTOL System Overview - 20:00
- Microquad modded for Arduino/RC control - 19:38
- The Verge on domestic drones - 18:56
- HALE VTOL Manufacturing - 17:00
- HALE VTOL Design and Development - 16:00
- 3d printed GoPro lens mount - 09:01
- A Simple Direct Drive Multicopter Camera Gimbal - 09:00
- NBC News - Don't call 'em drones: The wide world of unmanned flying machines - 06:06
- Antenna Tracker Build for APM and Mission Planner - 04:08 - Mvorisek RSS - Mvorisek RSS
- Software zdarma: Vytvořte wi-fi hotspot třeba ze svého notebooku - 00:00
- Jak vyhrát v kasinu miliony? Stačí napíchnout kamery - 00:00
- Auta na elektřinu nestíhají, svazují je baterie. Napětí však stoupá - 00:00

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Jak z GeForce vyrobit Quadro či Teslu a ušetřit $1000? - 00:00
- Herné a multimediálne konzoly od VIA? - 00:00
- Pět set padesát necertifikovaných wattů aneb Evolve Pulse 80+ podruhé - 00:00
- Best Buy prozradil existenci záhadné 18MPix zrcadlovky Canon EOS-b - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS
- Co se děje na GPU Technology Conference 2013 - 19:00
- Test čtyř desek Intel Z77 včetně měření termokamerou II. díl - 04:00

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- BenQ představuje 27" herní monitor XL2720T - 19:00
- D-Link nabídne novou venkovní IP kameru DCS-2332L - 18:50
- Noctua zdarma poskytne montážní mechanismy pro Haswell - 18:00
- Apacer si připravil flash disky ve stylu bambusu - 08:20
- Transcend uvádí 32GB modul DDR3 LRDIMM - 08:00
- Axis nabízí malou IP "bullet" kameru s rozlišením HDTV - 01:00
- Článek: Doporučené PC sestavy - březen 2013 - 01:00
- Axiomtek ohlašuje mini počítač s Atomem - 01:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Wacom unveils the Cintiq 13HD Pro Pen Display for artists on the go - 23:30
- CIA working with Amazon to develop private cloud - 22:30
- WhatsApp to extend yearly subscription model to iOS - 22:00
- Tuesday tech deals: 3rd-gen 64GB iPad for $530 shipped, $500 pickup - 21:30
- Home designed by Steve Wozniak hits the market for $4.5 million - 21:00
- Origin vulnerability lets attackers hijack gaming machines - 20:00
- Windows 7 SP1 now being distributed via automatic update - 19:00
- Samsung officially enters smartwatch race against Apple - 18:00
- Google could unify chat services under a single product called Babble - 17:30
- EU Commission: Piracy doesn't hurt music sales, may even help - 16:27
- Team Fortress 2 will be the Oculus Rift's first official game - 14:30
- Intel's Core i7-4770K 'Haswell' CPU gets benchmarked - 13:30
- SimCity Tested, Benchmarked - 07:11
- AT&T adds 30GB, 40GB and 50GB shared data tiers starting at $300 - 00:30

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Stereoscopic display art installation - 22:01
- Python script migrates from dying Google Reader to Evernote - 20:01
- Ask Hackaday: What movies have the best/worst hacking scenes - 18:01
- DIY Arduino Pro Mini quadcopter - 16:01
- Make Your Own Steadycam Mount - 14:01
- Designing and Building a Wooden Mechanical Clock - 12:01
- Robotic rat torments and depresses real rats - 02:01
- UC Davis students build coffee can radar project inspired by MIT - 00:04

Linear Technology - Mvorisek RSS
- 250mA Wide VIN Range Buck-Boost Charge Pump Offers Low Conducted and Radiated Noise - 17:17
- 15V, 200mA Synchronous Buck-Boost DC/DC Converter with Only 1.3µA of Quiescent Current - 00:57

Tektronix - Mvorisek RSS

Podnikání v USA - Mvorisek RSS
- Hledam cloveka na analyzu dat a informaci - 23:43
- Google Reader se rusi a co by se melo jeste zrusit - 19:46