Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 19.04.2019

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- TSMC rozjíždí 7nm EUV proces, na kterém vznikne Zen 3 / Ryzen 4000 - 12:00
- Doporučená cena GeForce GTX 1650 bude nižší, $149 - 08:00
- Intel prý zvažuje výrobu Xe u Samsungu namísto vlastního 10nm procesu - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- NASA pátrá po zbytcích Beresheet, přežít mohlo laserové "zrcátko" - 14:00
- Sega Mega Drive Mini jsou k předobjednání - 13:40
- NASA konečně detekovala nejstarší typ molekul vesmíru - 13:10
- Jiří Olšanský 'Rik_Leah': co to znamená být streamer? - 02:00
- Video: Kolik robotů SpotMini od Boston Dynamics utáhne náklaďák? - 01:36

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- T-Mobile rolls out its 'Money' checking account to all US customers - 22:21
- Zoom founder was inspired to start his Internet business after attending a Bill Gates speech - 20:37
- Optimize your Wi-Fi with the click of a button, now 72% off - 20:06
- Netflix to invest up to $100 million in New York City production hub - 18:41
- Sega adds Earthworm Jim, Sonic the Hedgehog 2 and more to the Genesis Mini line-up - 17:52
- Amazon Music and YouTube Music now offer free, ad-supported tiers - 17:13
- Facebook admits that millions, not thousands, of Instagram passwords were stored in plaintext - 16:25
- Iraq bans Fortnite and PUBG - 15:39
- Former student destroys $58,000 worth of computers at college using USB Killer device - 14:57
- Instagram could be getting ready to hide Like counts - 14:11
- World of Goo is getting updated and going free on the Epic Store - 13:18
- Google is now helping European Android users choose alternative browsers and search engines - 12:20
- Adata shows off 'diamond-cut' RGB-covered DDR4 RAM kit - 00:19