Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 19.06.2018

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Plextor představuje ultrarychlé NVMe SSD - 14:00
- Cannon Lake-U včetně čipsetu má jádro „velké“ jako telefonní ARMy - 12:00
- Připravte se na mobily se čtyřmi foťáky - 08:00
- Ryzen 5 2500X a Ryzen 3 2300X jsou hotové, boostují na 4 GHz - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Tesla začala vyrábět Model 3 i ve "stanu" - 23:42
- Britští silničáři opraví silnice drony a 3D tiskárnami - 18:50
- Blockchain ve službách veřejnosti: proti podvodům i korupci - 17:50
- Future of Humanity Institute: je alespoň 39% šance, že jsme v pozorovatelném vesmíru sami - 17:20
- NVIDIA připravila AI tvořící zpomalená videa z normálních - 16:10
- Elon Musk objevil špionáž v Tesle, rozsah se vyšetřuje - 14:51
- Warner Bros a IO chystají dalšího Hitmana - 14:00
- NVIDIA se dostala mezi smetánku indexu Standard & Poor's S&P 100 - 13:10
- Samsung bude vyvíjet vlastní GPU - 12:20

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Sony announces PlayStation Hits line of budget-friendly fan favorites - 23:08
- Showing Intel is getting serious about graphics, company rehires 'Larrabee' GPU architect - 22:36
- Amazon Hub delivery lockers roll out across the US - 21:52
- Australian Court fines Apple $9 million for failing to fix phones bricked by 'error 53' - 21:22
- Learn and master all Adobe software, photo editing and beyond - 20:54
- Westworld mobile game lands on Android, iOS this week - 20:11
- Iowa man receives 20 years for armed "domain hijacking" - 19:21
- Uber is experimenting with cheaper fares for riders willing to wait - 18:26
- New Adobe Camera Raw adds support for Samsung Galaxy S9 and S9+ - 18:07
- Amazon's Alexa is coming to a hotel room near you - 17:23
- Google starts rolling out Android Messages for the web - 16:25
- Apple's App Store is going to the Supreme Court for antitrust debate - 15:48
- World Health Organization officially classifies 'Gaming Disorder' as a mental condition - 15:04
- GameStop is in discussions for a potential buyout - 14:33
- Elon Musk says disgruntled Tesla employee was behind "extensive" sabotage - 14:01
- Senate rejects Trump's ZTE lifeline - 13:07
- Location data leak in Google Home, Chromecast is being patched - 00:17

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Laser Cutter Turns Scrapped To Shipped - 22:00
- Printing Strain Wave Gears - 20:30