Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 19.07.2019

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- RECENZE: ASUS TUF Gaming FX705DU – AMD a NVIDIA pod jednou střechou - 14:00
- AMD Arcturus vypadá na výpočetní GPU spíš než na herního nástupce Navi - 12:00
- Threadripper 3000 s jádry Zen 2 se zatím chystá na říjen - 08:00
- Sigma 45mm F2.8 DG DN - ostrý záklaďák s měkkým bokehem - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Corsair vypuští na trh 32GB moduly Vengeance LPX DDR4 - 15:00
- Wolfenstein: Youngblood a nároky na PC hardware - 14:30
- Biostar oficiálně nabízí PCIe 4.0 na deskách s AMD 400 Series - 14:00
- Intel Xeon Platinum 8284: výkonnější speciál za 5500 dolarů navíc - 13:40
- Co by pronesl Nixon, kdyby astronauté Apolla 11 zemřeli na Měsíci? - 12:50
- MSI ukazuje RX 5700 Mech OC, ASRock zase Challenger - 12:20
- Nejnovější AGESA pro Ryzeny má chyby, výrobci desek by jej neměli využívat - 11:40
- Německé školy končí s Office 365, nesplňuje GDPR - 02:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Google's upcoming paid 'Stadia Pro' subscription will offer 'roughly' one free game per month - 23:02
- Parrot pulls out of the entry-level drone market - 22:15
- YouTube Music now lets you 'seamlessly' swap between songs and their corresponding music videos - 21:42
- Nvidia fell for an orchestrated pricing trap says AMD exec - 20:55
- The 2020 Corvette is Chevy's first American supercar - 19:53
- Ubisoft says making games Stadia-ready does not cost that much - 19:19
- What is the best-selling desktop personal computer of all time? - 18:47
- id Software director Tim Willits is leaving after 24 years - 18:11
- Last bird standing wins in the latest spin on the battle royale genre - 16:53
- Dummy units show off upcoming iPhones' rear camera setups - 16:17
- Instagram to warn users likely to have their accounts banned, expands testing of hiding Like counts - 15:52
- Check out this Witcher 3 mod that updates the game's graphics - 15:27
- Google confirms that websites soon won't be able to detect Chrome's incognito mode - 14:55
- Microsoft posts $125.8 billion revenue in its record fiscal year for 2019 - 14:25
- Galaxy S9 phones will be used as body cameras by Colorado deputies - 13:59
- Ryzen 5 3400G Review: CPU + Vega Graphics - 13:14
- Huawei says its in-house Hongmeng OS isn't designed for smartphones - 12:20
- St. Noire is a murder mystery board game driven by Alexa - 00:18

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- DIY Scintillation Detector Is Mighty Sensitive - 22:00
- Hackaday Prize Mentor Session: Beau Ambur - 20:31