Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 19.08.2013

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- X8 Arducopter summer flight in France : episode 1 - 23:31
- 3D Robotics introduces Iris, a totally ready-to-fly quadcopter UAV with next-gen autopilot - 22:00
- Drones can change the fight against wildfires - 20:52
- Stress testing of a cheap gimbal brushless - Split screen - 19:30
- DIY Drones Vodcast Interview with Wayne Garris creator of the TechPod heads up - 09:00
- Guidelines for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles at Burning Man - 08:08
- Sky Drone FPV - Digital 4G/LTE FPV with MAVLink and APM Support on Indiegogo - 04:00
- Washington Post Article About Personally Owned Drones - 02:30 - Mvorisek RSS
- Google vypadl jen na pět minut, ale provoz internetu klesl o 40 procent - 12:35
- Pronikl na Zuckerbergovu zeď, aby dokázal chybu ve Facebooku - 08:51
- Nesmrtelná žena. Je v laboratořích po celém světě, ale umřela před 62 lety - 00:00

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Barnes & Noble zlevňuje čtečky Nook Simple Touch with Glowlight pod $100 - 12:40
- EVGA přinese double BIOS na širším spektru grafik - 11:10
- Apple nabízí výměnu Radeonů HD 6970M v iMac MC814xx/A - 09:41
- Samsung vydal exFAT ovladač pod GPL! - 07:40

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Recenze: BenQ BL2411PT: nadějný všeuměl - 02:00
- Asus si připravil celou novou řadu desek s Intel H81 - 18:00
- ASUS ROG RAIDR Express: SSD pro PCI Express - 14:50
- Logitech Wireless All-in-One TK820 - klávesnice s touchpadem - 12:00
- AMD Never Settle Forever přichází - 11:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Zeus Trojan modified for social media purposes - 23:30
- AirCast app now available free, streams local video to Chromecast - 22:30
- Five-minute Google outage reportedly caused 40% drop in global traffic - 21:30
- Beats By Dre looking to end partnership with HTC - 20:30
- Monday tech deals: Dell UltraSharp U2413 $420, Logitech G600 $60, Slingbox 350 $148 - 20:00
- Google Chrome to get parental controls with 'supervised accounts' - 19:30
- Nokia is testing 6-inch 'Bandit' phablet with 1080p display - 18:30
- Sony's 12GB flash-based PS3 now available in the US - 18:00
- Markus 'Notch' Persson cancels 0x10c but the concept will live on - 17:00
- iPhone 5S rumor update: 128GB storage option and gold chassis - 16:00
- Private email conversations are impossible, says secure email provider - 15:30
- Barnes & Noble gives Nook Simple Touch with GlowLight a price cut - 14:00
- White hat hacker uses Facebook bug to post on Zuckerberg's timeline - 10:08

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Controlling Chromecast: AirCast APK released - 23:00
- Adult sized baking powder submarine - 21:01
- NESPo: another 3D printed portable NES - 20:01