Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 19.08.2020

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Aktualizace: Procesory Intel Avengers Edition ohlášeny: liší se krabičkou - 12:00
- Američané zabavili teroristům bohatství v kryptoměnách. Jak se jim to povedlo? - 10:00
- Asus: A520 podporuje Matisse i Renoir a zvládne i Vermeer a Cezanne (Zen 3) - 08:00
- Intel představil Tiger Lake-U: Energetická efektivita a cache. Hodně cache - 00:00

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Elon Musk se stává 4. nejbohatším člověkem na světě - 15:17
- SK Hynix Gold P31: 128vrstvá SSD se 4D NAND čipy - 13:10
- AMD uvádí čipovou sadu A520 s podporou Ryzenů 4000 - 10:33

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Sellers on eBay are trying to get thousands of dollars for used iPhones with Fortnite installed - 23:14
- Zoom will now work on Google, Amazon, and Facebook smart displays - 22:36
- Google Maps is getting more detailed and more colorful - 21:22
- Apple is now world's most valuable company with $2 trillion market capitalization - 20:04
- Panasonic confirms full-frame S5 camera reveal scheduled for September 2 - 18:50
- Android-powered 5G BlackBerry phone with physical keyboard is coming in 2021 - 16:42
- Intel confirms Marvel's Avengers Collector's Edition CPUs: cool packaging, but no game - 15:45
- Multiple rumors point to the RTX 3090's very high price - 14:42
- Cruise line giant Carnival Corp. suffers ransomware attack, customer data accessed - 14:05
- New Oculus headset owners will need a Facebook account - 13:17
- Cerebras reveals details of the world's largest chip: 2.6 trillion transistors, 850,000 cores - 12:18
- Samsung promises Galaxy owners three generations of Android updates - 02:37
- Baldur's Gate 3 is coming to Steam Early Access on September 30 - 00:46

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Re-imagining the Crossed Gantry 3D Printer - 22:00
- Building the Ultimate Raspberry Pi Automation Controller - 20:31

Tektronix - Mvorisek RSS
- Optical Clock Recovery Application for Tektronix TCR801 - V1.0 - 02:00
- TSOVu Software Deployment Package for TSO820 Sampling Oscilloscope Mainframe - 02:00