Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 19.09.2018

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Test: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780 Ti 3GB po pěti letech - 14:00
- Apple čelí problémům se svojí chystanou bezdrátovou nabíječkou - 12:00
- Spekulace: chystá se AMD Ryzen 2800X? - 10:00
- Tipy z netu: Pořiďte si výkonný tablet PC s Gemini Lake a 4 GB RAM za pár tisíc - 09:00
- Nvidia o týden odkládá dostupnost GeForce RTX - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Firefox Reality je browser pro AR a VR, zatím toho moc neumí - 18:00
- Recenze GeForce RTX 2080 a 2080 Ti jsou tu - 18:00
- Konzole Subor-Z s APU Ryzen předvádí svůj výkon - 15:50
- ASRock Jupiter: pouze litrové PC s paticovým Intelem Coffee Lake - 15:15

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- WD My Cloud security flaw gives attackers full access - 23:50
- Former employee sues Spotify over alleged gender discrimination - 23:26
- New GeForce 411.63 drivers are out, make room for GeForce RTX 2080 cards - 23:04
- Red Dead Redemption 2's online multiplayer mode launches in November - 22:29
- Google is expanding Emergency Location Service in Android to the US - 21:52
- Korean ratings board posting hints at a possible PS4 port of PUBG - 21:10
- Sega pushes Mega Drive Mini release date to 2019 - 20:38
- Nintendo Switch firmware update lets you download and play your games on multiple consoles - 20:15
- Angry Birds flaps its wings on the Magic Leap One - 19:43
- Apple Watch Series 4 review round-up: Universally loved - 18:24
- Newegg hit by same hacker group that targeted British Airways - 17:09
- High demand for AMD motherboards is causing shortages - 16:37
- OnePlus competition lets you name and win its upcoming smart TV - 15:59
- Pixel 3 and Pixel 3 XL cases appear in new photos - 15:28
- Nvidia GeForce RTX 2080 & 2080 Ti Review: The Future of Computer Graphics Is (Almost) Here - 15:00
- Evernote lays off 15% of workforce following reports that it's in a "death spiral" - 14:13
- Many big games now have two release dates, and the earlier one will cost you - 13:35
- YouTube Gaming app to close, many features move to main site - 12:25
- Sony's $100 PlayStation Classic will launch this December - 10:33
- British animatronics engineer builds huge ridable spider-bot - 01:56

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Voice Controlled Stereo Balance With ESP8266 - 22:00
- ‘SHE BON’ is an Artful, Wearable, Sensual, Sensing Platform - 20:30