Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 19.10.2018

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- Gopro hero 3 lens replacement - 05:31

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- RECENZE: MSI GS65 Stealth Thin 8RF – tenký hráč s 144Hz IPS LCD - 14:00
- Radeon RX 580 2048 pro Čínu je v podstatě OC model Radeonu RX 570 - 12:00
- Elementary OS 5 je tu. Co přináší? - 10:00
- Gigabyte prozradil, že se chystá GeForce RTX 2070 Ti, pak to odvolal - 08:00
- Samsung zahájil výrobu waferů na 7nm EUV procesu - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Intel Core i9-9900K je tu, jak si vede? - 18:50
- Crucial P1, nová rychlá SSD s QLC čipy - 18:31
- Ve vesmíru byl poprvé vytvořen Boseho-Einsteinův kondenzát - 18:00
- AMD vyjádřilo svou nespokojenost s benchmarky zveřejněnými Intelem - 17:40
- Začíná mise BepiColombo: dvě sondy zítra startují na cestu k Merkuru - 17:00
- Gigabyte si připravuje GTX 1060 s paměťmi GDDR5X - 16:00
- Samsung má nová SSD s QLC paměťmi a další generaci Z-NAND - 14:50
- Ray tracing NVIDIE v demu Northlight: když se potí i hi-end - 14:00
- Raspberry Pi dostalo další příslušenství, tuner pro DVB-T2 - 13:00
- Příští velká aktualizace Windows 10 dovolí odinstalovat i vestavěné aplikace - 12:20

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Valve launches 'Motion Smoothing' for SteamVR, allowing low-end machines to get higher framerates - 23:30
- Anonymous Amazon employee condemns company's facial recognition software - 22:43
- T-Mobile now lets you finance a smartphone for 36 months - 22:01
- YouTube's 'Miniplayer' video pop-out feature is now available for desktop users - 21:15
- China to launch an 'artificial moon' into orbit by 2020 - 20:31
- European Commission 'unconditionally' approves Microsoft's GitHub acquisition - 20:05
- Delidding and lapping the 9900K in search of improved temperatures - 19:18
- Tesla has a new entry-level Model 3 but it's not the promised $35,000 version - 18:31
- Manage Apple devices, the simple way - 18:23
- iPhone XR first hands-on impressions hit the web - 17:29
- Samsung announces QLC- and 96-layer 3D NAND refresh - 17:02
- Comcast now has the largest gigabit network but it does not come cheap - 16:33
- Twitter suspends bot accounts spreading pro-Saudi tweets in wake of Khashoggi disappearance - 15:47
- Get your training in Cisco networking and the cloud, currently 95% off - 15:32
- Intel Core i9-9900K and Core i7-9700K Review - 15:00
- YouTube partners with Eventbrite to sell concert tickets via music videos - 14:11
- Micron is buying Intel's share of their 3D XPoint joint venture - 13:17
- The Weather Channel turns to wildfires for its new mixed reality video - 12:28
- Luxury phone maker Vertu makes its return with a $4,300 smartphone - 01:11
- EFF calls for investigation of Epson for anticompetitive printer firmware - 00:16

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Bradley Gawthrop Loves Wiring and so Should You - 23:31
- Superdeep Borehole Samples Create Non-boring Music - 22:00