Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 19.12.2018
Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Nvidia zahájila prodeje Titan RTX - 12:00
- Finové žádají 7nm EPYCy, celkem 200 000 jader na nový superpočítač - 09:00
- Nejblbější hesla roku 2018: Najdete mezi nimi to své? - 00:00
PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS
Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Ubisoft slaví 20 let série Anno a nabízí zdarma Anno 1602 - 16:00
- Microsoft popisuje chystaný Windows Sandbox - 15:20
- MIT využívá "implozivní výrobu" pro zmenšování objektů - 14:40
- Metan v atmosféře Marsu není k nalezení a vědci jsou zmateni - 12:30
- Proč Microsoft přešel k Chromiu? Prý i kvůli schválnostem Googlu - 11:50
TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Minecraft drops support for Xbox 360, PS3, and Wii U versions - 22:56
- New MacBook Air and Dell XPS 13 discounted, get the Switch and PlayStation Classic for less - 22:36
- Norway and Germany team up against Nintendo over refund policy - 21:42
- Did proof of a PC version of Red Dead Redemption 2 just leak? - 21:21
- Razer unveils the 'Turret,' a $250 wireless mouse-and-keyboard combo for the Xbox One - 20:49
- Oath is rebranding to what it should have been called all along - 20:00
- What was the first wristwatch with the ability to make phone calls? - 19:31
- Cryptomining malware attacks up 4,000 percent over the past year - 18:48
- Red Dead Online adds a subtle holiday Easter egg - 17:34
- NASA reveals employee data breach involving personally identifiable information - 16:39
- Samsung updates The Frame and Serif TV with QLED displays - 15:49
- The Steam Awards and Winter Sale start tomorrow - 15:10
- Close to the Sun looks like BioShock mixed with SOMA - 14:19
- Target expands same-day delivery service Shipt to rival Walmart and Amazon - 13:41
- Microsoft's Windows Sandbox lets you run suspicious apps in isolation - 12:58
- How Much RAM Do Gamers Need? 8GB vs. 16GB vs. 32GB - 11:56
- Intel has the world's largest 360-degree movie set - 11:20
- Is the next AAA-games crash imminent? - 03:18