Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 20.01.2014

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- Curtis Youngblood Single Motor Internal Combustion Collective-Pitch Quadcopter - 23:00
- Control of Mobile Robots from Georgia Institute of Technology - 22:00
- Major new update for APM:Plane code - 17:30
- Tricopter-plane V1.0 kick-off - 17:00
- Whale Rescue - 12:24
- T3 Season 2, The Model: heading to the finish. - 12:00
- New product: Downward facing camera gimbal - 02:30
- How drones democratize videography and help sell real estate - 02:06 - Mvorisek RSS - Mvorisek RSS
- Poslechněte si, jak hraje největší pirát Kim Dotcom. Spustil službu Baboom - 19:00
- Hackeři donutili ledničku a televize rozesílat spamy - 13:09
- Billboard v Peru vyrábí pitnou vodu ze vzduchu - 11:58
- OBRAZEM: Před 40 lety vzlétl prototyp F-16. Ale jenom omylem - 00:00

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Wikipedia zvažuje používání H.264 videa - 16:40
- Nintendo chystá novou konzoli, SoC už je zvolený - 15:30
- Fujifilm chystá retro bezzrcadlovku, má se Nikon Df začít bát? - 14:20

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Lian Li PC-Q33: rozkládací Mini-ITX mrňous na trhu - 18:34
- TSMC odstartuje 16nm výrobu ještě letos - 08:55
- SilverStone DS380: pro vlastnoručně vyrobený NAS s 8 HDD - 08:45
- AMD pracuje na 16jádrových procesorech - 08:35
- Článek: Internetové kalendáře: nová úroveň plánování? - 01:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Korean carrier to launch 300 Mbps LTE-Advanced network later this year - 23:30
- Stellar Impact developer unveils new RTS project dubbed Etherium - 22:30
- 95 percent of the worldÂs ATMs still run Windows XP - 21:30
- Classic Windows and Mac operating systems running in the browser - 20:30
- Paramount moves to digital-only format for Hollywood releases - 19:30
- US court: Bloggers have same speech protections as institutional press - 18:30
- The 25 most popular passwords of 2013 prove people are just as naive as ever - 17:30
- IBM reportedly renews effort to offload low-end server business - 16:30
- Microsoft issues Surface Pro 2 firmware to fix botched December update - 15:30
- Rumor points to GeForce GTX 750 Ti as Nvidia's first 'Maxwell' GPU - 14:30
- As sales slow down, Intel plans to reduce workforce by 5% this year - 13:30
- As sales slowdown, Intel plans to reduce workforce by 5% this year - 13:30
- Google removes two Chrome extensions that silently served ads - 02:00

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS

Tektronix - Mvorisek RSS