Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 20.02.2013

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- DIY Roll/Tilt FPV camera gimbal for Arducopter - 22:59
- UxV-CS: FrSky integration started - 21:06
- New Skywalker 1900 - 16:30
- DIY Drones at 35,000 members - 09:33
- [Update] DroidPlanner - Ground Control Station for Android devices - 01:00
- Release of G-Frame from FPVQUADS.COM - 01:00 - Mvorisek RSS - Mvorisek RSS
- KVIK: Čína překonala USA v chytrých zařízeních. Hackeři napadli Apple - 16:47
- Průzkum slepé uličky: notebook Asus Taichi 21 se dvěma displeji - 00:00
- Pirate Bay křičí: Chyťte piráty! Žaluje sdružení za kopírování webu - 00:00
- Češi umí problém vyřešit, ne prezentovat, říká šéf vývoje Skypu v Česku - 00:00

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Nečekaně odborná prezentace odhaluje procesor AMD Jaguar - 00:00
- Roadmapa fototechniky na rok 2013, aneb co na nás výrobci chystají - 00:00
- Grafický trh slábne, „nejlépe“ dopadl Intel, nejhůř Nvidia - 00:00
- Spyware z Ubuntu nezmizí, „šmírování“ ale půjde globálně vypnout - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS
- Soutěž s ESETem o kvalitní antivirovou ochranu – vyhlášení - 21:00
- Velký test čtyř microATX desek Z77 – první díl - 04:00

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Recenze: UNIGINE Valley: povedený benchmark - 01:00
- Razer znovu uvádí periferie s motivem StarCraft 2 - 15:00
- NZXT si připravil nový 200mm ventilátor FZ-200 - 10:30
- AMD Jaguar útočí na Intel Atom s AVX, SSE4 a čtyřmi jádry - 10:20
- OCZ začíná dodávat SSD Vertex 3 s 20nm paměťmi - 09:40

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Mozilla gives in, adds H.264 video support to Firefox Nightly builds - 23:00
- Qualcomm reveals specs of Snapdragon 400 and 200 processors - 22:30
- OCZ Vertex 3 update adds 20nm NAND, lowers I/O performance? - 22:00
- New products shown to Apple's board 6-18 months before they launch - 21:00
- Steve Ballmer says Surface is a real business but won't dominate sales - 20:30
- Mozilla releases Firefox 19 stable with built-in PDF viewer - 20:00
- Yahoo's Marissa Mayer unveils redesigned homepage - 19:30
- Spotify wants to offer free mobile streaming, asks industry to lower fees - 18:30
- Google contest asks what you would do if you had Project Glass - 17:30
- Microsoft says Office 2013 licensing is nothing new, but it's a price hike in disguise - 16:16
- Microsoft says Office 2013 licensing is nothing new - 16:16
- Google has reduced hacked Gmail accounts by 99.7 percent since 2011 - 14:30
- Apple says they were hacked by the same group that hit Facebook - 13:30
- New Mac virus skirts Gatekeeper, initiates creepy reverse-shell connection - 00:30

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- RF switching module can learn new remotes - 22:01
- Freezing Android to crack the encryption - 20:01
- A brick-sized Game Boy Advance SP - 18:00
- Video phone Arduino shield - 16:00
- The perils of buying a stereo microscope without a stand - 14:00
- 3Doodler, a 3D drawing pen - 12:00
- Solar clock uses capacitors for style and function - 04:01
- Hacked auxiliary port for a car stereo - 02:01
- Diamond Ore wall lamp brings Minecraft into your home - 00:01

Maxim Integrated Products - Mvorisek RSS
- 2013-02-20: Maxim Integrated to Demonstrate a More Integrated World at Mobile World Congress - 01:00

ON Semiconductor - Mvorisek RSS
- Load Switches with/without Discharge Path - 05:11
- Transceiver for KNX Twisted Pair Networks - 05:10
- Self Protected High Side Driver with Temperature Shutdown and Current Limit - 05:08
- Self-Protected MOSFET for Low Side Drive - 05:06
- Common Mode Filter with ESD Protection - 05:05
- Stepper Motor Driver - 05:02
- Automotive LIN RGB LED Driver - 05:01
- Dual 100 V Schottky Rectifiers - 04:58
- Unidirectional Transient Voltage Suppressors - 04:57
- LLC Resonant Mode Controller - 04:53

Podnikání v USA - Mvorisek RSS
- Uspech se neda zaridit okamzite - 00:22