Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 20.03.2013

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- Brushless Gimbal for my build. - 22:00
- Quadcopter vs Tesla Coil - 17:00
- NPR's OnPoint discussion about Drone use - 16:06
- Senate drone privacy hearing - 14:25
- Geo-referenced Tetra Cam ADC Multi-spectral Imagery (Drone Agriculture/Farming) - 11:30
- Video Buddy Station - 04:23 - Mvorisek RSS
- Virtuální GPS pro vývoj - 01:00 - Mvorisek RSS
- Opustila Sonda Voyager 1 naši sluneční soustavu? Opět se zdálo, že ano - 23:01
- V Praze nejde televize, Žižkov naplánoval výluku - 09:25
- Vědci dokázali „funkčně vyléčit“ nákazu virem HIV u čtrnácti lidí - 00:00
- Ještěrka šířila hrůzu a uprchlíci s ní proráželi železnou oponu - 00:00

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- 84palcová TV od LG: UltraHD v Česku za půl mega - 00:00
- Fortron 85PLUS Bronze – pět set bronzových kobyl v šedivé kastli - 00:00
- Flash pamětí je silný nedostatek, pro menší výrobce bude situace likvidační - 00:00
- „Nová“ GeForce GTX 650 Ti a GTX 660 SE jsou zřejmě totožné - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS
- GTC 2013 druhý den – keynote a uvedení roadmapy - 20:00
- Česká ArmA III Alpha — fičí i na Pentiu a slabší grafice - 04:00

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Point of View a nový cestovní 7" tablet - 10:40
- Galaxy nabídne vlastní 128GB SSD - 10:30
- NVIDIA se poprvé zmínila o GPU architektuře Volta - 10:20
- Sapphire uvádí Radeon HD 7950 pro Macy - 10:00
- Netgear má novou generaci ReadyNAS - 09:00
- MSI ohlašuje mini PC Wind Box DC110 - 01:00
- Článek: Doporučené LCD monitory: březen 2013 - 01:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- New OnLive owner speaks publically for the first time - 23:30
- Many not willing to pay more than $500 for Google Glass - 23:00
- Google Keep note-taking service officially launched - 22:43
- First Google Fiber expansion announced, gigabit speeds heading to Olathe - 22:00
- Motorola's X Phone could be an entire, user-customizable brand - 21:30
- Samsung's Smart Evolution HDTV upgrade kit coming in May for $299 - 21:00
- Twitter awarded patent for... Twitter - 20:00
- Chameleon clickfraud botnet costs advertisers $6 million a month - 19:00
- Sprint begins offering debranded Android phones to prepaid partners - 18:00
- Yahoo in talks to buy majority stake in video site Dailymotion - 17:30
- FUD alert: "always connected" Xbox 720 rumors are mostly paranoia - 16:40
- Future Nvidia 'Volta' GPU has stacked DRAM, offers 1TB/s bandwidth - 15:30
- Google takes Street View to new heights - quite literally - 14:30
- Apple's cash heap could top $170 billion by year's end - 13:30
- Apple releases iOS 6.1.3, finally fixes lock screen bug - 00:30

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Bullet time with a single GoPro - 20:55
- Retrotechtacular: flying foot-soldiers are coming for you (sixty years ago) - 20:01
- Bakery automation mixes single cookies - 18:01
- Putting the brains of a reverse geocache on the outside - 16:00
- Hackaday Links: March 20th, 2013 - 14:01
- Measuring meditation with a heart rate - 12:00
- Hackerspace Intro: Make Lehigh Valley - 04:01
- Carry a Git server in your pocket - 02:01
- Fabricating custom displays for a commercial coffee roaster - 00:01

Microchip Technology - Mvorisek RSS
- Microchip’s Graphics Display Designer X Supports PIC® MCU-based GUI Creation on Windows®, Linux o... - 08:00

Tektronix - Mvorisek RSS
- DSA8300 Digital Serial Analyzer Sampling Oscilloscope Datasheet - 15:30
- 82A04B Datasheet Phase Reference Module for the DSA8300 Sampling Oscilloscope - 15:30
- DSA8300 - 15:30
- 82A04B - 15:30

Podnikání v USA - Mvorisek RSS
- Postranni projekty - 20:26