Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 20.03.2023

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Amazon propustí dalších 9000 lidí, pro letošek to tak bude už 27 tísíc - 21:30
- Hackeři napadli bitcoinové automaty českého General Bytes, ukradli 56 BTC - 19:30
- AMD EPYC Genoa-X přinese 1,15 GB paměti L3 cache - 17:30
- Týdenní šance o herní myš HyperX (20.3. - 26.3.) - 09:45
- Intel Emerald Rapids mají mít až 320 MB L3 cache - 01:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Satellite built with $20 CPU and 48 AA batteries tests method to reduce costs and space junk - 22:46
- Virgin Orbit is on the verge of insolvency after expensive failed launch - 22:04
- YouTuber purchased every Wii U and 3DS eShop game for $22,000 - 21:23
- Pick up an Apple Pencil alternative at a fraction of the first-party price - 20:41
- PiEEG is a Raspberry Pi-powered crowdfunding project to read brain bio-signals - 20:05
- Watch out for fake Samsung 980 Pro SSDs that are priced too good to be true - 18:45
- Capcom's latest Resident Evil 4 Remake ad perfectly sums up my experience with the demo - 18:08
- Store all your passwords securely with Dashlane - 17:44
- NASA's AIM mission comes to an end after nearly 16 years - 16:52
- 4Chan user arrested for posting "in Minecraft" death threat - 14:59
- John Deere scolded for its inability to comply with GPL software license - 14:31
- Apple patent hints at foldable iPhone that automatically snaps shuts when dropped - 13:37
- Data center uses its waste heat to warm public pool, saving $24,000 per year - 12:51
- The State of Self-Driving Cars: Autonomous Advances - 12:06
- Man tries to sneak 84 SSDs past Chinese customs by stuffing them inside electric scooter - 11:16