Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 20.04.2016

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- New version of APM-powered Quanum Nova copter from Hobby King - 17:50
- Where’s Susi? Airborne Orangutan Tracking in Borneo with Pixhawk & Dronekit - 14:41
- Flyboard® Air Test - 06:56
- Matthew Reimer's Pixhawk-powered tractor makes the Wall Street Journal - 05:55
- Procyon Helicopter Demonstrates 1 Hour Flight with 1KG Payload - 05:00
- Guyanese tribe uses Arduplane to protect their own land - 03:06 - Mvorisek RSS

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Polaris zaujal Apple, najde místo v nové generaci Maců - 14:00
- Přehled novinek v Ubuntu 16.04 LTS - 12:00
- [Aktualizováno] Intel plánuje velké propouštění, tisíce lidí během jara - 10:00
- Nvidia GP106 přijde spíš později, chladič GP104 vypadá podivně [anketa] - 08:00
- WD Gold, nové pevné disky pro datová centra - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Cooler Master odhalil vodní chladiče MasterLiquid Pro - 16:26
- WD Gold: nová řada disků pro datová centra - 15:26
- Mafia III přijde na trh 7. října pro PC, Xbox One a PS4 - 14:46
- Pipo KB2: rozkládací mini PC s klávesnicí - 13:50
- Asus ROG GT51CA: výkonný herní elegán - 13:15
- Intel utržil 13,7 miliard a chce restrukturalizovat a propouštět - 12:30
- Dočkáme se nakonec systému Microsoft Android? - 00:50

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Is your PC powerful enough to run Mirror's Edge Catalyst? Find out here - 23:30
- Solar panels must be installed on rooftops of new buildings in San Francisco starting next year - 22:45
- Mitsubishi Motors busted for manipulating fuel economy tests - 22:00
- After more than 10 years of service, Microsoft is putting its venerable Xbox 360 out to pasture - 21:15
- PC gaming on the couch is now a lot easier, thanks to the all-in-one Razer Turret - 20:30
- Lian Li's new standing desk is also a PC enclosure - 19:30
- What a waste! 10 times stores sent ridiculous packaging - 18:45
- LeEco's latest smartphones replace 3.5mm headphone jack with USB Type-C connector - 18:00
- Facebook is considering ways that will allow some users to earn money from posts - 17:15
- Intel to cut 12,000 jobs as global demand for PCs continues to wane - 16:30
- The developer behind Bastion and Transistor has just revealed a new game and it looks stunning - 15:30
- The people who upload torrents - 14:30
- The Netherlands is aiming to become the first country to ban the sale of all non-electric cars - 13:15
- Corning perfects technique to print full-color images onto Gorilla Glass - 02:00
- Las Vegas hotels will soon offer VR porn rentals - 01:00
- Google's Android Security Report reveals what it's doing to combat harmful apps - 00:00

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Desktop Siege Weapon: Fireball Cannon - 22:00
- World Create Day: Hackaday Meetups Reach Europe and Africa - 20:31

Tektronix - Mvorisek RSS