Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 20.08.2013

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- NEX5 brushless gimbal on X8 arducopter - Summer Flight in France : episode 2 - 23:13
- APM2 LED Show - UserCode - 22:30
- Sticky Home Experiment - 22:03
- Indian startup uses drones to drop aid to flood-ravaged areas - 15:30
- How to FPV your multirotor - 05:53
- LiPo disaster - 05:08
- DARPA uses ArduCopter to develop new control software to reduce vulnerability of unmanned systems... - 05:00
- APM External 10mm Leds Buzzer Module - 03:30
- Large Heli Full Auto Ride-along - 02:19 - Mvorisek RSS
- Umřela družice GALEX. Deset let lovila galaxie v UV spektru - 00:00
- Nejrychlejší wi-fi v obýváku. Vyzkoušeli jsme router s 802.11ac - 00:00
- Nikdo se to neměl dozvědět. Tajné satelity zachraňovaly stanici Skylab - 00:00

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- AG Neovo TX-22: FUllHD dotykový IPS monitor se skleněnou vrstvou - 15:19
- Radeony HD 7000 a HD 8000 nepodporují plně DirectX 11.2 - 13:51
- Windows 8 mají RTC bug: Zkreslené měření času ovlivňuje výsledky benchmarků - 12:24

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- HP představuje doživotní záruku 2.0 - 14:30
- Asus ohlásil desku Z87-Deluxe/Quad s Thunderbolt 2 - 14:00
- Cooler Master MECH: mechanická klávesnice s procesorem - 13:30
- EVGA ohlásila 1000W zdroj s 80 Plus Platinum - 12:10
- Acer poslal na trh nové 29" a 27" monitory IPS - 11:10
- Gigabyte ohlásil desky s AMD FM2+ - 10:50
- Článek: Doporučené PC sestavy - srpen 2013 - 02:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Tesla's Model S electric car earns highest safety rating of any vehicle - 23:45
- EA offers full refunds on PC Origin titles within first 24 hours of play - 23:00
- Sony announces PlayStation 4 launch date, slashes PS Vita pricing - 22:18
- Groklaw legal site is the latest victim in NSA privacy revelations - 21:30
- Google Maps for iOS, Android gets real time traffic reports from Waze - 20:30
- Motorola delays Moto X custom engraving to fix quality control issue - 19:45
- Windows 8 bug on overclocked PCs found to alter benchmarks - 19:00
- Samsung's massive Galaxy Mega phablet to arrive on US soil this week - 18:15
- Amazon, GameStop offer Xbox One games for $10 with trade-in - 17:19
- Skype integration brings video calling to - 17:00
- Apple gains 3x more customers from Samsung than Samsung does from Apple - 16:00
- Researchers sneak malware onto Apple's App Store, exposing iOS security flaws - 14:45
- Researchers sneak malware on to Apple's App Store, exposing iOS security flaws - 14:45
- Xbox One: 23 day one games, free FIFA 14 with European pre-orders - 14:00
- AMD Radeon HD 7000 series GPUs currently lack DirectX 11.2 support - 13:30
- Microsoft reportedly killing Games for Windows Live in July 2014 - 03:02
- AMD Catalyst 13.8 beta 2 driver brings 25% boost to Saints Row IV, more - 01:30

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Hacking Coin Collection - 23:00
- Retrotechtacular: The history of ANSI and ASCII art - 21:01
- Building an analog whistle detection device - 20:00
- Sensor gloves from joystick pots - 19:00
- Twitter Knitter combines 40 year old hardware with modern social media - 18:00
- Update: testing the accuracy of a magnetic rotary encoder - 17:00

Linear Technology - Mvorisek RSS
- 250mA Wide VIN Range Buck-Boost Charge Pump with Low Noise Now Offered in High Reliability, MP-Gr... - 17:08
- Tiny 4A Step-Down µModule Regulator’s Entire Solution Occupies Less Than 1cm² - 16:40
- 36VIN, Triple, 2A+1A+ 1A (IOUT) Step-Down Switching Regulator with 100% Duty Cycle Operation - 16:39