Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 20.08.2018

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- PlutoX crowdfunding campaign - 13:30

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Intel: Roku 2020 vydáme samostatné grafické karty - 12:00
- Potvrzeno: Intel 9. generace v sérii K přinese pájený IHS - 10:00
- GeForce RTX od PNY: $800-$1000, až 285W TDP, takty, NVLink a Virtual Link - 08:00
- GeForce RTX 2080 a 2080 Ti neponesou plně aktivní jádra - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Aston Martin vyrobí 25 kusů DB5 z Goldfingera včetně vychytávek - 19:45
- NVIDIA představuje GeForce RTX, sledujte s námi - 19:00
- Korejec okraden o Bitcoiny za 2 mil. EUR, dostal falešné bankovky - 19:00
- Školy v USA preventivně monitorují sociální sítě žáků - 17:15
- PlayStation 5 se očekává koncem příštího roku, ale může se zpozdit - 16:20
- Nejstarší galaxie poblíž Mléčné dráhy odpovídají teorii o vlivu studené temné hmoty - 15:52
- Tranquil PC uvádí pasivně chlazené počítače s AMD Ryzen - 15:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Huawei gets caught misrepresenting DSLR shots as Nova 3 smartphone camera samples - 23:21
- Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night pushed back until 2019, Vita version cancelled - 22:36
- Bethesda and Arkane Studios put Dishonored franchise on hiatus - 21:54
- Trailers for Battlefield V, Metro Exodus, and Tomb Raider show off Nvidia's real-time ray tracing... - 21:25
- Nvidia launches the GeForce RTX 20 Series: Ray-tracing to the mainstream of gaming - 21:02
- Woman customers are less expensive to acquire and spend more on mobile games compared to men - 19:30
- Skype's end-to-end conversation encryption feature is now available to everybody - 19:00
- Aston Martin is rebuilding James Bond's Goldfinger DB5 - 18:32
- Minecraft: Education Edition is coming to the iPad next month - 18:04
- Fitbit's Charge 3 gets a touchscreen and inductive button that improves water resistance - 16:41
- Amazon is one of the largest consumers of electricity but is offloading costs onto others - 15:49
- Dutch Apple Store evacuated after iPad battery explodes - 15:17
- Logitech unveils its first vertical mouse, the MX Vertical - 14:42
- Which of these materials is the best conductor of heat? - 14:22
- Apple removes 25,000 apps from the China App Store - 13:51
- EU set to fine internet companies that don't remove terrorist content within one hour - 13:13
- Valve accidentally shows off its live streaming service - 12:28
- Linux vs. Windows Benchmark: Threadripper 2990WX vs. Core i9-7980XE Tested - 09:00
- GeForce RTX 2080 incoming: Watch Jensen Huang's keynote at 9am PT / 12pm ET/ 4pm GMT - 08:35

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Simple ESP8266 Weather Station using Blynk - 22:00
- Rewinding Live Radio - 20:30