Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 20.12.2016

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- Human Flying Drone - 23:42
- Great mission log from the Schmidt Ocean Institute research team using UAVs for surface monitoring - 23:00
- Commercial Drone Markets: 2016 Year in Review - 20:56
- GNSS RTK Receiver (GPS L1L2/Beidou B1B2 with GSM/GPRS/EDGE) - 04:00 - Mvorisek RSS
- Hokejové elektroderby - 06:43
- LED Sketchpad - 07:16

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Český startup chce pomoci vylepšit webové stránky napříč internetem - 15:52
- Polaris 12 se objevila v Linuxových ovladačích - 15:30
- Nvidia představila PC Gaming revival kit - 13:00
- RECENZE - The Last Guardian vyniká ve své průměrnosti - 10:00
- CES bude tentokrát hodně o HDR - 08:00
- Ubuntu 17.04 nasadí odkládací soubor místo /swap oddílu - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Expertiáda s Fractal Design - 19:30
- Capcom nabízí demo nového Resident Evil 7 - 15:02
- ESA objevila proud tekutého železa v jádru Země - 14:30
- Honda vyvíjí AI s emocemi pro auta i roboty, aby ty naše nezakrněly - 13:05
- AMD Vega Cube: 100 TFLOPS v ruce - 12:28
- Směřujeme k renesanci solárních panelů? - 11:55
- NASA zkusí odklonění asteroidu i bez ESA - 10:48

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Minecraft arrives on Apple TV for $19.99 - 23:45
- Crytek is closing five development studios as part of major restructuring - 22:45
- Tim Cook reaffirms Apple's commitment to desktops, whatever that means - 21:45
- Proposed bill would prevent PCs sold in South Carolina from accessing porn (unless you pay up) - 20:45
- The UK may introduce technology that blocks smartphone signals when owners are driving - 19:45
- LG's feature-packed ProBeam laser projector is coming to CES 2017 - 18:45
- EU accuses Facebook of providing misleading information during Whatsapp buyout - 17:45
- Cars as client devices - 17:00
- Uber admits its unpermitted, autonomous vehicles have problems crossing bike lanes - 16:15
- BlackBerry shifts gears, opens research center for self-driving technology - 15:30
- Researchers say in-flight entertainment system flaws could allows hackers to control a plane - 14:30
- House Committee on Oversight wants Congress to regulate StingRays - 13:30
- Twitter tests breaking news feature; now orders search results by relevance - 12:15
- MSI GS63VR 6RF Stealth Pro Review: Slim and light yet gaming-grade - 06:30
- Nintendo Switch reportedly runs a lot slower when undocked - 02:30
- Check out the first trailer for 'Blade Runner 2049' - 01:30
- In Super Mario Run criticism, analysts and F2P gamers forget that the game's quality is what matters - 00:30

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Pi Keeps Cool at 1.5 GHz - 22:00
- Softer Side of Robots is Future of Space - 20:31