Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 21.01.2019

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- Air Sciences tests Aeromapper Talon for high resolution terrain mapping in California Desert - 21:39

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Playstation 5 nese 3,2GHz Zen 2 a Navi - 12:00
- Vyhrabejte Microsoft Lumii z hrobu a nainstalujte si na ni Windows 10 pro ARM - 10:00
- AMD vyvrátila fámy o výrobě pouhých 5000 Radeonů VII - 08:00
- Intel ani ne rok od uvedení hlásí konec Core+, procesorů s Optane Cache - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- GDPR udeřilo na Google, čeká jej pokuta 50 milionů EUR - 20:46
- Nightdive ukazují svůj pokrok na remaku System Shocku - 17:30
- GeForce GTX 1660 Ti v testu Ashes of the Singularity - 17:00
- Čtyřhvězdný systém má bizarní vertikální planetární disk - 16:30
- Microsoft chce naše nápady pro vylepšení Windows 10 jako herní platformy - 15:40
- Netflix se více obává hry Fortnite než konkurenčního HBO - 15:00
- AMD Radeon VII nabídne podporu alternativy technologie NVIDIA DLSS - 14:30
- Kingston A2000: SSD s PCIe v ceně SATA? - 13:40

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Mob hitman found guilty thanks to fitness watch location data - 23:14
- Sim racer beats former F1 driver in real-world event - 21:06
- System Shock remake teaser shows off final artwork - 19:55
- Uber is developing autonomous technology for scooters and bikes - 18:30
- Spotify is testing an artist block feature - 17:24
- Telling Lies, the spiritual successor to Her Story, reveals Hollywood cast - 16:55
- Tesla increases Supercharging prices to the point that gas might be cheaper (Updated) - 16:33
- Drone maker DJI is losing $150 million to its own employees through fraud - 15:28
- WhatsApp fights fake news by limiting the number of times you can forward a message - 14:58
- Chevy unveils full-sized Lego replica of its Silverado truck - 14:27
- Now you can tell Microsoft how to make gaming on Windows 10 better - 13:47
- The "10 Year Challenge" may be an elaborate data collection plan to train facial recognition algo... - 13:05
- Nvidia GeForce RTX 2060 Review & Mega Benchmark - 12:02
- Foxconn axes thousands of seasonal workers early in wake of falling iPhone demand, misses job cre... - 11:20

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Building A 3D Printer That Goes Where You Do - 22:00
- Hackaday Superconference: 3D Printing For Electronics - 20:31