Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 21.04.2014

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- XUAV Talon build thread (planned with PIXHAWK autopilot) - 16:36
- Erle Robot, the educational drone - 11:31
- UAV Ultra Bright Nav / Ldg / Low Batt lights - 09:00 - Mvorisek RSS
- Tipy na weby: proklepněte si podnikatele a inspirujte se radostí - 00:00
- Fyzikové měli objevit nový druh hmoty. Máme tentokrát věřit? - 00:00

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- AMD rozšiřuje bundle na 20+ her a přikládá jej i k Radeonům R7 a R9 - 06:01
- Za registraci .eu domén cloud server - 00:00

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Cenové zpravodajství - 16. týden - 01:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Mobile payments startup Square reportedly in talks with several rivals for a possible sale - 23:30
- AT&T roadmap outlines plan to bring fiber to 100 U.S. cities - 23:00
- Confirmed: Microsoft-Nokia deal to close on April 25 - 22:30
- Google is considering end-to-end encryption for Gmail - 21:45
- AMD refreshes Never Settle bundle program with new games and wider selection of cards - 21:00
- Facebook to unveil mobile ad network at F8 conference - 20:15
- Apple, Google and others battle each other to land mobile game exclusives - 19:30
- Happy Birthday: Nintendo's Game Boy turns 25 today - 18:30
- Tweets can be used to predict crimes, research says - 17:38
- Nokia Oyj reportedly to be renamed Microsoft Mobile Oy - 16:30
- This 2D Rubens Tube puts Winamp visualization plug-ins to shame - 15:30
- Blaze at Samsung backup data center knocks services offline around the world - 14:15
- Quick & Dirty: Fire TV vs. Roku vs. Chromecast vs. Apple TV - 06:41
- Nike responds to FuelBand shutdown rumors - 05:00

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Sniping 2.4GHz - 22:00