Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 21.06.2016

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- First Official ArduSub-Powered Underwater Vehicle: The BlueROV2 - 19:41
- USA Simple Commercial Flight Rules land in 60 days time - 17:21
- A Short and Simple video series on how to build your own ArduPilot Rover - 00:30

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Známe ceny Radeonů RX 480 4GB i 8GB - 15:29
- Meyer-Optik-Görlitz Trioplan 100mm f2.8 v limitované edici z titanu a zlata - 14:00
- Intel Kaby Lake může vyjít v letošním roce - 12:00
- AOC uvedla 165Hz G-Sync a 144Hz FreeSync monitory s rozlišením 2560×1440 - 10:00
- Chladič Radeonu RX 480 je „tichý, výkonný a vypadá dobře“ - 08:00
- Avast Photo Space je zvláštní aplikace pro smartphony - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Adobe Creative Cloud plný nové magie - 19:00
- Intel s Micronem poodhalili další generaci 3D NAND - 17:00
- AMD Starship: 48jádrový a 7nm procesor - 15:32
- PlayStation 4 Neo se na E3 neobjevil, dorazí ještě letos? - 14:22
- Plume: miniroutery pro šíření Wi-Fi vaší domácností - 13:30
- Který prohlížeč je nejefektivnější? Podle Microsoftu ten jeho - 12:50

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Samsung's SM961 PCIe SSD hits 1TB mark, ships out next week - 23:00
- Adobe Creative Cloud update adds new tools and features to its most popular apps and services - 22:15
- Apple is saving its biggest iPhone design changes for 2017, sources say - 21:15
- Instagram passes the half a billion users milestone - 20:15
- Twitter gets serious about video with sweeping changes to Tweets and Vines - 19:15
- IoT in business environments faces challenges with scale - 18:15
- Tencent agrees to buy Clash of Clans publisher Supercell from Japan's SoftBank - 17:15
- Google is making two-step verification quicker and easier with its new prompt - 16:30
- Russia looking to make backdoors mandatory in all encrypted messaging apps - 15:30
- Taylor Swift joins other music industry names calling for DMCA reform in campaign against YouTube - 14:30
- Mighty No. 9 arrives to some very average reviews - 13:15
- Settlement payments now going out in Apple price-fixing case - 03:30
- Boxee founder launches Public, an app to broadcast group chats to an audience - 01:15
- Ubisoft celebrates 30th anniversary with free games - 00:30

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS

Tektronix - Mvorisek RSS