Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 21.08.2012

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- AR.Drone style EPP Quadcopter Frame 450mm (835mm total width) - 21:00
- Where drones sit on the "hype curve" - 19:15
- Oregon Star Party Aerial Video from my Quad - 17:30
- Quadcopter used as weed sprayer - 16:30
- MakerPlane, a new organization for open source (full sized) aviation - 02:20 - Mvorisek RSS
- Na MSV 2012 uvidíte novinky z oblasti automatizace - 07:00
- Efektivnost v datových centrech: trendy, strategie, nástroje - 00:00
- Nevyhazujte 13 kWh ročně! Spínané adaptéry Minwa Vám v tom pomohou - 00:00 - Mvorisek RSS
- KVIK: Rapidshare viní pirátská fóra. Letiště otevřelo valy pro fotografy - 14:45
- Ruští kosmonauti nainstalovali na ISS štít proti malým meteoritům - 10:26
- Desítka nejlepších vypalovacích programů zdarma - 00:00
- Špioni nad Bajkonurem: jak létala ruská kopie raketoplánu - 00:00

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Update: Slevy Radeonů HD 7800 a HD 7950 budou výraznější - 00:00
- GeForce GTX 660 Ti - přehled modelů - 00:00
- Canon EOS-1D X je po téměř roce dostupný - 00:00
- Šestijádrovému Intel Xeon E5-1428L stačí 60W TDP - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Specifikace grafické karty GeForce GTX 660 OEM oznámeny - 23:20
- Článek: Doporučené PC sestavy - srpen 2012 - 02:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Maxthon mobile browser now available for iOS devices - 23:30
- Car viruses? Intel aims to protect drivers from hackers - 22:30
- Tuesday tech deals: 23" HP monitor for $97, free laptop case - 22:00
- Diamond Multimedia launches AMP1000 Android set-top box - 21:00
- Amazon launches low cost Glacier cloud storage service for enterprise - 20:00
- Microsoft opens $14.99 Windows 8 upgrade registration, other pricing details leak - 19:00
- AMD plans new round of Radeon price cuts, Sleeping Dogs bundle - 18:00
- Neowin: Microsoft Wedge Touch Mouse review - 17:30
- Hackers target AMD's blog, steal usernames, emails and passwords - 16:30
- Researchers with IEEE create group to plan new Ethernet standard - 15:30
- Origin launches EON17-SLX laptop with SLI / CrossFireX support - 14:30
- Interview with DuckDuckGo's Gabriel Weinberg - 07:37
- Early microprocessor pioneer Victor Poor dies at 79 - 02:00
- Galaxy Note 10.1 teardown reveals pleasantly serviceable design - 01:00
- Meet Digispark, the smaller and cheaper alternative to Arduino - 00:00

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Passion Fruit acquire laser defenses - 23:30
- Portable light box for small photography needs - 22:30
- Arduino WiFi shield available, costs $85 USD - 21:30
- Building a resistor substitution decade box - 20:30
- 128-inch silver screen for your viewing room - 19:30
- Use a Nokia N82 TFT Panel with Your Arduino - 17:30
- Lite Brites fade, but LED clocks are forever - 16:30
- Making sure a baby is still breathing with lasers and a wiimote - 15:30
- Eradicating invasive species with quadcopters - 14:30

Fairchild Semiconductor - Mvorisek RSS

ON Semiconductor - Mvorisek RSS
- Single 60 V P-Channel MOSFET - 18:54

Tektronix - Mvorisek RSS
- Tektronix Logic Analyzers Datasheet - 16:30
- Tektronix Delivers Class-Leading Performance in the Affordable New TLA6400 - 16:30

Podnikání v USA - Mvorisek RSS
- V cem je tajemstvi uspechu pro rostouci e-commerce firmy - 16:39
- Dotaz na blog kam investovat dva miliony - 00:08