Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 21.08.2018

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- Precision Landing with OpenCv and Aruco Markers | Part 1 - 18:56
- Tersus UAV PPK solution is coming - 08:30

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Rozcestník GamesCom 2018: Všechny novinky z letošního ročníku na jednom místě - 10:45
- Pracovník Nvidie: Zvýšení hrubého výkonu je hloupé, Turing nejde cestou Pascalu - 12:00
- Intel: Výkon procesorů neměříme se všemi záplatami - 08:00
- GeForce RTX 2080 Ti, 2080 a 2070 uvedeny: $1199, $799, $599 - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Logitech uvádí G PRO Wireless s technologii Lightspeed - 16:10
- Na Stanfordu se pracuje na využití optiky pro rozpoznávání obrazu v AI systémech - 14:00
- Proč RTX 2070 nemá NVLink a proč jsou Founders Edition přetaktované? - 13:00
- Hubble zachytil 15 tisíc galaxií v jednom obrázku - 12:10
- Dell uvedl herní monitory S2419HGF a S2719DGF - 11:25

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Tinder's latest feature is only for college students - 23:51
- Air Hogs Supernova flying orb drone replaces remote controls with advanced sensors - 22:45
- Shadow of the Tomb Raider unable to maintain 60fps on a GeForce RTX 2080 Ti - 22:06
- HTC Vive wireless adapter launches next month for $300 - 21:29
- Google's upcoming Chrome redesign will arrive across all platforms on September 4 - 20:45
- Xbox One version of PUBG officially leaves early access in September - 20:11
- Facebook is quietly rating the trustworthiness of its users - 19:51
- Netflix is reportedly bypassing the App Store's revenue cut by redirecting users to its website - 19:20
- Amazon is making an episodic racing game based on The Grand Tour - 18:50
- Microsoft takes down Russian sites trying to steal US Senate credentials - 18:24
- After nearly four years, Apple is finally overhauling the Mac mini - 17:57
- Nvidia's RTX highlights AI influence on computer graphics - 17:33
- Scientists confirm the existence of water ice on the Moon's surface for the first time - 16:39
- Shenmue III gets official release date, new trailer - 15:10
- Life is Strange 2's full trailer introduces new cast and mysterious power - 14:29
- Samsung reveals two budget-friendly curved monitors at Gamescom - 13:57
- Humanoid robot video that terrified the internet isn't real - 13:13
- Huawei Mate 20 leak shows new triple camera setup, tiny notch - 12:27
- Not happy with the Founders' Edition pricing? Day-zero GeForce board partners get their RTX 2080s on - 07:35
- Amazon Prime members lose discounts on pre-ordered games in one week - 00:54
- Lawyers seek class action against Google for tracking users - 00:05

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS

Tektronix - Mvorisek RSS