Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 21.08.2020

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Test: Lenovo ThinkPad A485 a T495 - 14:00
- Veteráni TSMC dávají přednost Číně, od loňska jich uteklo přes 100 - 12:00
- Torvalds: Ať AVX-512 zemře bolestivou smrtí. Koduri: Ale zákazníci ho milují - 08:00
- Ceny RAM a NAND flash v dohledné době klesnou o zhruba 10 % - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Superhot: Mind Control Delete impressions + Freebie for TechSpot subscribers - 23:50
- Iron Man VR patch adds New Game+, more difficulty, and faster load times - 23:04
- Pixel 5 renders show a familiar design, fingerprint reader, and no headphone jack - 22:22
- Crytek publishes Crysis Remastered tech trailer preview - 20:24
- Latest Lightroom update for iOS wiped all unsynced pictures and presets - 19:14
- Researchers reach unseen data transmission speeds by tweaking fiber optics - 18:50
- Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 Benchmarked - 18:33
- Apple may use less expensive components in the iPhone 12 to offset 5G tech costs - 16:25
- Netflix is putting on a drive-into Stranger Things experience in LA later this year - 15:49
- Sony: PS5 won't be delayed, will launch with the "best line-up" ever - 15:15
- Epic Games is hosting a Fortnite tournament with Apple-free prizes on offer - 14:05
- TSMC has now made over one billion 7nm chips - 13:18
- This Dark Souls/Sekiro-style game shows the power of next-gen - 12:16
- Marvel's Avengers' open beta kicks off tomorrow - 00:44

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Four Years Later, Off-Grid Office Shed Still Rocks - 22:00
- Free Refrigeration in Hot Climates - 20:31

Podnikání v USA - Mvorisek RSS
- Pisoarovy raj v Oregonu - 19:46