Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 21.11.2017

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Plnobarevný snímač („Foveon“) z perovskitu zachytí více světla než bayer - 16:15
- Qualcomm odmítl nabídku Broadcomu na koupi firmy - 14:30
- XFX a PowerColor už také mají svou Vegu - 12:45
- OnePlus 5T je další s 18:9 AMOLED displejem - 11:00
- Mikrotransakce převyšují zisky z digitálního prodeje her, svěřil se Ubisoft - 09:15
- VRMark Cyan Room otestuje váš systém pro DirectX 12 virtuální realitu - 07:30
- Bitcoin překročil hranici 8 tisíc dolarů - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Čína už odstavila i Skype, další obět posedlosti kontrolou - 21:12
- Dle analytika jsou reakce na Battlefront II přehnané, Disney to však vidí jinak - 18:40
- První známý mezihvězdný návštěvník je poněkud podivný - 17:50
- Chystají se také Neverwinter Nights Enhanced Edition - 17:00
- Gigabyte uvádí klávesnici Aorus K9 s optickými tlačítky - 16:00
- Black Friday i pro vývojáře: zlevňují prvky enginu Unity3D - 15:20

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Several popular websites use scripts to record visitor activity - 23:15
- Apple says Foxconn allowed high school students to work illegal overtime to assemble iPhone X - 21:59
- FCC expected to roll back 2015 net neutrality regulations - 21:13
- EVGA launches single-slot GTX 1080 Ti 'Kingpin' Edition for liquid cooling - 20:36
- Cryptocurrency startup vanishes after raising $375K from investors - 19:53
- Uber files patent to reduce motion sickness for autonomous vehicle passengers - 19:08
- HomePod: How indecisiveness during development put Apple behind the eight ball - 18:25
- Opinion: The ridesharing business conundrum - 17:24
- TechSpot + PC Unlocker giveaway: So you can reset your passwords easily - 17:04
- This strange object is the first interstellar asteroid ever observed - 16:35
- Google commits to removing Russian news outlets from news search - 16:05
- Samsung may have just listed its foldable Galaxy X handset - 15:35
- Zoolz is offering 2TB of lifetime cloud storage for $40 - 15:02
- Google has been tracking Android users even when location services are disabled - 14:29
- Analyst: "Undercharged" gamers overreacted to Star Wars Battlefront 2 microtransactions - 13:54
- Upgrade My PC Please! Season 1 finale: It's a wrap! - 12:54
- Uber receives $8.9 million fine in Colorado for hiring disqualified drivers, felons - 12:12
- LG V30 Review: Big and Beautiful, But... - 06:00
- Tencent becomes first Chinese tech company to surpass $500 billion valuation - 01:29
- EA revamps Need For Speed: Payback progression system - 00:46
- The Department of Justice is suing to block AT&T from acquiring Time Warner - 00:06

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Flip-Dot Display Brought Out of Retirement by New Drivers - 22:00
- Anouk Wipprecht: Robotic Dresses and Human Interfaces - 20:31

Podnikání v USA - Mvorisek RSS
- Nejdulezitejsi vec pri rozjezdu noveho podnikani - 21:50
- Mozna zrealizuji svuj prvni private equity deal - 00:55