Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 21.12.2016

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Nintendo NX bude podporovat Vulkan, SoC poběží na nižších taktech - 15:30
- Potvrzeno, první benchmarky Polaris 12 ukazují na malý čip - 13:00
- 20000mAh powerbanka Xiaomi podporuje Quick Charge 3.0 - 10:30
- Díky Vulkanu vzrostl výkon Unity Engine až o 60 % - 08:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- AMD zveřejnilo 9 videí propagujících Ryzen - 16:22
- LG už prodává svůj 27" UltraFine s rozlišením 5K - 14:50
- METHOD-1: reálný korejský robot ve stylu Mechwarrior - 13:43
- Ovladače AMD Crimson ReLive jsou tu - 13:05
- Nervydrásající sestup Johna Glenna ve Friendship 7 na videu - 12:22
- Crytek zavře pět ze sedmi svých studií - 11:00
- NVIDIA Volta GV100: až dvojnásobný výkon Pascalu GP100? - 10:40
- Týdenní šance s HyperX (5.12. - 11.12.) - 02:30
- Doporučené PC sestavy: prosinec 2016 - 01:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Apple now selling refurbished Apple Watches, but regular discounts could be better - 23:15
- Wireless charging may be a better fit for the automotive industry - 22:15
- Advance your web development skills with 86 hours of app automation training - 21:45
- Samsung's upcoming Galaxy S8 may feature 'Beast Mode' - 21:00
- Twitter's exodus of executives continues as CTO and VP of Product both leave - 20:00
- AT&T Call Protect aims to sideline robocalls - 19:15
- Sling TV to launch its own set-top box, combines its service with free OTA channels and Netflix - 18:21
- Minecraft gets new update 1.11.2 - 17:45
- Leaked documents appear to confirm there will be three iPhones released next year - 17:15
- Watch Elon Musk react to successful SpaceX rocket landing for the first time - 16:30
- Facebook will soon introduce audio-only Live broadcasts - 15:30
- iFixit destroys AirPods to reveal minuscule battery - 14:30
- Overwatch's Tracer revealed as gay; Blizzard won't release webcomic in Russia - 13:30
- Nvidia's PC Gaming Revival Kit aims to reawaken your old PC - 11:45
- AMD squashes bugs with Radeon Software 16.12.2 - 01:45
- Use of multiple social media platforms linked to depression, anxiety - 00:45

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS

ON Semiconductor - Mvorisek RSS

Podnikání v USA - Mvorisek RSS
- Klicovi zamestnanci ve firme - 18:56