Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 21.02.2022

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Cooler Master uvedl herní monitor GP27-FQS s Mini LED - 18:21
- Intel Sapphire Rapids vyfocen a popsán: čtyři čipy a deset můstků - 17:16
- Jensen Huang v interview: mění se plány NVIDIE po nepodařené akvizici Armu? - 16:35
- Valve zavádí nová pravidla v obchodu Steam, chce zabránit podvodům - 16:11
- Intel Bonanza v detailech: roj 7nm čipů v 3600W těžařském stroji - 14:50
- Poslední výkřik Centaura: test x86 procesoru s jádry CNS - 14:05
- Raptor Lake má přinést až 15 % vyšší výkon jádra, celkově pak 40% nárůst - 13:20

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Millions of WordPress sites receive forced auto-update to patch security flaw - 22:58
- Valve's Next Fest 2022 just kicked off with hundreds of indie titles to try - 22:24
- Nvidia reportedly spent $10 billion for a chunk of TSMC's 5nm manufacturing capacity - 20:30
- Final Fantasy XIV free trial returns on February 22 ahead of graphical update - 19:26
- Intel unveils 3,600-watt ASIC Bitcoin mining rig - 18:44
- Valve reveals new rules to tackle fake discounts on Steam games - 18:17
- Capcom announces Street Fighter 6 with an in-engine teaser trailer - 17:40
- The new social media platform from Donald Trump is now available on Apple's App Store - 17:06
- Breathing new life into an old iPod with a few thoughtful upgrades - 16:35
- German retailer sees Intel's motherboard revenue surpass AMD's for the first time in years - 13:37
- Epic Games will offer full employment to hundreds of temporary QA workers - 12:15
- Hacker steals over $1.7 million worth of NFTs from OpenSea users - 11:18

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- An Off-Grid Makeshift Cell Network - 22:00
- Dummy The Robot Arm Is Not So Dumb - 19:00

Microchip Technology - Mvorisek RSS
- Industry’s First Automotive-Qualified Gen 4 PCIe® Switches Enable Autonomous Driving Ecosystem - 07:00