Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 22.01.2014

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- Some MultiCopter Design Thoughts. - 20:42
- RVJET with MyFlyDream Part 1: Overview - 19:30
- Seeking 7 More Sponsors! - 19:00
- Beginning Again - 17:04
- Getting there - 15:00
- DroidPlanner 2.0 Beta Announced - 04:00
- LIDAR-Lite: A New Benchmark for Optical Distance Measurement Sensors - 03:30 - Mvorisek RSS
- Robustní RFID nosič dat s extra velkou pamětí - 03:42
- Robotické vozidlo s laserovým paprskem - 05:32 - Mvorisek RSS
- Pětadvacet nejblbějších hesel roku: heslo heslo kleslo na druhé místo - 08:50
- TEST: Suunto Ambit 2s, hodinky pro každodenní tréninky - 00:00
- Kouření je stále horší, ukázali vědci. Cigarety jsou dnes nebezpečnější - 00:00

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Vliv frekvence pamětí na výkon CPU i GPU v AMD Kaveri - 15:11
- Rozbor: V roce 2013 se prodalo 3,1 milionu UHD TV - je to hodně nebo málo? - 13:30
- Přehled open-source programů v srdci Playstation 4 - 12:01

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Spolehlivost HDD dle cloudové firmy - Hitachi vede - 17:43
- OCZ přechází k Toshibě a představuje Vertex 460 - 15:06
- AMD představilo nové 16jádrové Opterony 6300 - 13:10
- AMD AM1: socket pro desky bez čipové sady - 10:36

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- North Carolina firefighter writing Google Glass apps to help save lives - 23:30
- Foxconn executives arrested for demanding millions in kickbacks - 22:30
- AMD's revenue drops 2% in 2013, but shows income and gross margin improvements - 21:30
- Researchers demonstrate 1.4 Tbps broadband connection using commercial-grade hardware - 20:30
- SteamOS beta now supports non-UEFI systems and dual-booting - 19:30
- Grand Theft Auto V for PC shows up on Amazon France & Germany - 18:30
- Edward Snowden to participate in live Q&A session on January 23rd at 3PM ET - 17:45
- T-Mobile jumps into the mobile banking business with Mobile Money service - 17:00
- Chrome bug allows websites to continue listening to conversations after you close the tab - 16:15
- BlackBerry stock climbs on news of Department of Defense contract - 15:30
- Resident Evil 4 Ultimate HD Edition will hit Steam on Feb 27 - 14:30
- Bill Gates predicts there will be very few poor countries by 2035 - 13:15
- Moborobo: The all-in-one PC manager for Android and iOS devices - 08:33
- From 1982's E.T. to Present Day's Watch Dogs: How Much Does It Cost to Make a Video Game? - 08:12
- Toshiba completes OCZ acquisition, keeps the brand alive as OCZ Storage Solutions - 01:04
- Syrian Electronic Army hacks Microsoft's Office blog hours after redesign goes live - 00:45

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS

Linear Technology - Mvorisek RSS
- 15V Input & Output, 1.5A Monolithic Synchronous Buck-Boost DC/DC Converter Features 95% Efficienc... - 22:06