Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 22.01.2015

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- Flying, Walking Vampire Bat Robot Is Back - 23:31
- Drones: the tech-savvy trafficker's new drug mule - 17:11
- Introducing Mach-Up: A conceptual design tool for drones - 16:30
- Crazed Maniac Flies Drone Through Congressional Hearing! - 08:17
- Teleoperating an Hexacopter - 01:30 - Mvorisek RSS
- IDC: V roce 2020 bude 10 % spotřebního zboží tištěno na 3D tiskárnách - 19:19
- Nobelisté měli vysvětlit svou práci kresbou. Dopadlo to všelijak - 00:00

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- AMD: Nová GPU, APU Carrizo i Kaveri-Refresh vydáme ve druhém kvartálu - 13:25
- Windows 10 pro smartphony sjednotí práci s PC, podívejte se na první snímky - 12:10
- TSMC „nečekaně“ odkládá 10nm proces na rok 2017 - 11:20
- Novinky Windows 10 s komentářem - 09:34
- O iPhony za 799 korun se s Alzou zákazníci chtějí soudit - 07:45
- Trh se smartphony loni vzrostl o 26 % - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Nejpoužívanějším heslem je stále 123456 - 15:26
- Windows 10: nejen výkonné DirectX, ale i propojení s Xbox - 14:45
- Tohle je Spartan! Nový prohlížeč od MS - 12:25
- AMD na jaro chystá nová GPU a APU, přijde spása? - 11:56
- GeForce GTX Titan X: bude pekelně drahá? - 11:20
- Microsoft Windows 10: upgrade zdarma a holografie - 10:46

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- T-Mobile will look past bad credit scores for those that pay on time - 23:30
- The app industry now generates more revenue than Hollywood - 22:30
- Kim Dotcom launches MegaChat, his end-to-end encrypted 'Skype killer' - 21:30
- Unboxing: Lenovo ThinkPad Helix (2014) convertible - 20:30
- Microsoft Office 2016 for desktops set to arrive later this year - 19:30
- Latest hard drive reliability data reveals it may be best to avoid 3TB drives - 18:30
- Move over net neutrality, BlackBerry CEO John Chen calls for 'app neutrality' - 17:15
- eBay is cutting 2,400 jobs this quarter, may also spin off enterprise unit - 16:15
- WhatsApp finally arrives on the desktop as a web app - 15:46
- Doubling Down: 2x Gigabyte GTX 960s in SLI Put to the Test - 15:01
- Mainstream Performance: GeForce GTX 960 Review - 15:00
- What Back to the Future II got right (and wrong) about 2015 - 14:00
- While you were away: Twitter's new feature catches you up with missed tweets - 13:15
- This intelligent keyboard can determine who is typing on it and even generate its own electricity - 11:45
- Google aims to launch its own wireless service using Sprint and T-Mobile - 02:00
- DirectX 12 will be exclusive to Windows 10 - 01:00

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Save Data from Old Scopes with a GPIB Disk Emulator - 22:00
- Laser Etched Surface Redefines Dry - 19:01

Tektronix - Mvorisek RSS

Marcel Way - Mvorisek RSS
- Homeless Guy Philosophy Lessons - 15:44