Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 22.04.2016

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- FollowMe submarine drone on Indiegogo - 22:13
- World Book Day: Tersus GNSS recommends “Out of Control” by Kevin Kelly to UAV geeks - 07:00
- 3D-printed mount for Lidar sensor - 06:45
- 3D Robotics Selects eProsima Fast RTPS for System Infrastructure - 06:27 - Mvorisek RSS

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Microsoft testuje výkonnější prototyp Xbox One - 16:00
- 24″ IPS Dell U2415: Proč jsem si ho nechal? - 14:00
- Microsoft slaví 10 let Xbox 360 jeho zabitím - 12:00
- Zemětřesení u Japonska, zavřená továrna Sony = Nikon odsouvá nové fotoaparáty - 10:00
- Hry pro Playstation 4 NEO musejí zvládat min. 1080p - 08:00
- Noctua NH-D9L podruhé v testu - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Siemens představuje pavoučí roboty pro 3D tisk - 17:00
- ASUS uvádí limitovanou edici Echelon GTX 950 - 15:32
- Herní studio zrekonstruovalo v herním enginu potápění Titanicu - 13:52
- AMD zaznamenalo 19% pokles tržeb, ale dál už chce růst - 12:59
- Cherry uvádí nejrychlejší tlačítka MX Speed, Corsair toho hned využil - 12:10

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- PC version of Doom will have lots of advanced rendering options, no framerate cap - 23:00
- Cooler heads prevail as Microsoft, Google agree to drop regulatory complaints against one another - 22:00
- Mobile gaming revenues forecasted to surpass those of PC gaming for the first time ever - 21:00
- More than a million people are now using Tor to access Facebook anonymously - 20:15
- Unlocking the San Bernardino iPhone cost the FBI over $1.3 million - 19:30
- AMD stock soars on news of x86 licensing agreement with Chinese consortium - 18:45
- Chinese government shuts down Apple's iTunes Movies and iBooks Store - 18:00
- Hackers responsible for SpyEye botnet toolkit sentenced to nearly 25 years in prison - 17:15
- Uber agrees to $100 million settlement in driver lawsuit to keep them as independent contractors - 16:30
- Comedy Central, BET, MTV, Spike and other Viacom networks are coming to Sling TV - 15:30
- Amazon is preventing non-Prime members from buying some games and DVDs - 14:30
- Steam is about to start accepting Bitcoin payments - 13:15
- Google will soon add live TV listings to search results - 01:00
- Cherry launches MX Speed mechanical key switches, a Corsair exclusive for six months - 00:00

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Nixie Timer is Easy to Read Across the Kitchen - 22:00
- The Long and Bumpy Road to Internet in Serbia - 20:31