Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 22.05.2023

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- AMD EPYC s architekturou Zen 5: až 192 jader a extrémní 1,5 GB L3 cache - 22:30
- Nvidia představuje GeForce RTX 4060 a 4060 Ti, začínají na 7.899 Kč - 19:30
- CinePi: kamerka postavená na Raspberry Pi 4 umí RAW video - 17:30
- Unikají snímky Radeonů RX 7600 a předpokládané ceny, měly by být OK - 15:42
- Přenosný monitor Asus ZenScreen MB16QHG přináší 120Hz frekvenci - 14:07
- Společnost Monte objednala 30 elektrických letadel Alice s 375Wh/kg bateriemi - 02:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Don't expect Sony to release games simultaneously on PS5 and PC anytime soon - 22:09
- XBHD brings the original Xbox into the modern era - 21:05
- Australian stock exchange abandons plans to rebuild its platform on blockchain - 19:59
- Flying high: Tears of the Kingdom sells over 10 million copies worldwide in first three days - 19:23
- Modders make Doom playable over Teletext - 18:47
- Trivia: Which of these was not a x86 CPU maker? - 17:50
- Pixels in motion: Lego's Pac-Man Arcade set comes to life with mechanical crank - 17:02
- An agency is offering three people $1,000 to scroll TikTok for 10 hours straight - 16:25
- Microsoft will let Internet Explorer's empty husk live on in Windows - 15:55
- SanDisk promises to roll out firmware update to fix failing SSDs - 15:32
- Meta hit with record $1.3 billion EU fine for sending Facebook users' data to the US - 15:08
- Intel proposes the x86-S architecture for a simpler, more efficient CPU instruction set - 14:37
- The US continues to dominate the TOP500 supercomputers list - 13:51
- Bigger Than Godzilla: Why Are Games Using So Many Gigabytes? - 13:03
- China bans Micron chips over "network security risks" - 12:19