Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 22.06.2016

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- Using drones with thermal camera to map prescribed forest fire - 09:02
- Pixhawk Drone FPV via GSM networks - demo video - 04:00
- AP-Manager switches between two Pixhawks for safety, redunancy - 03:53
- Using APM:Plane to map lost Mayan cities in the Yucatán Peninsula - 03:00
- USG-301 gimbal with Sony Full HD camera - 00:30

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Peter Sunde žaluje nahrávací společnosti za poškozování jména - 16:00
- Sony prý odškodní majitele PS3 za bránění v instalaci jiných OS - 14:00
- Intel ohlásil Xeon Phi 7290, dosud nejdražší „Larrabee“, za >$6000 - 12:00
- Radeony RX 460 a RX 480 obrazem - 10:00
- Univerzální foťák Mercury - 08:00
- Uzavřený = bezpečný, tvrdí de facto Intel o Management Engine - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Počítač se učí předpovídat, jestli se lidé obejmou - 23:03
- Plně autonomní dron si i sám dobije baterii - 20:18
- Musk pracuje na všestranném domácím robotovi - 18:00
- Kaby Lake slibuje vylepšené iGPU s podporou HDR - 17:21
- Vědci učinili průlom v počítačích fungujících na principu mozku - 16:50

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Google details when your Nexus device will stop receiving updates - 23:15
- PlayStation Vue Internet TV service lands on Roku, coming to Android devices next week - 22:15
- You're likely to get charged more if you tell the PC repair shop you have insurance - 21:30
- VLC 2.0 for Android released with pop-up video view, network play and more - 20:45
- With Ghostbot, you don't have to deal with persistent texters who can't take a hint - 20:00
- Hasselblad unveils world's first compact mirrorless medium format camera - 19:15
- Steam game charges $35 for DLC that only consists of a printable certificate - 18:30
- Amazon's new entry-level Kindle is thinner, lighter, faster - 17:45
- A third of Valve employees are working on VR projects - 17:00
- Facebook is spending loads of money to get celebrities to use its livestreaming service - 16:15
- Microsoft's Wallet 2.0 preview brings NFC payments to Windows 10 phones - 15:30
- The Basslet is a watch-sized wearable subwoofer for your body - 14:30
- Mark Zuckerberg photo reveals that the CEO puts tape over his webcam - 13:15
- Make Chrome great again: Performance and memory tweaks - 07:00
- Revised FAA rules allow US companies to fly drones without a pilot's license - 01:00
- Ultimate Ears adds Google Now, Siri voice integration to Boom Bluetooth speakers - 00:00

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS

Microchip Technology - Mvorisek RSS
- Microchip Announces Next-Generation Bluetooth® Low Energy Solutions with Easy-to-Use Interface an... - 14:03