Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 22.06.2021

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Intel jedná s Německem o výstavbě velkokapacitní továrny - 10:00
- Intel Xe / DG2 nemusí být rychlejší než GeForce RTX 3060 Ti - 08:00
- Samsung v blízkých týdnech představí Exynos s RDNA 2 - 00:00

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Tesla bude dodávat vybavení pro eko-domy Alset, do Číny zamíří Powerwall - 21:11
- S deskou od SuperMicro si budeme moci postavit počítač s Xeon Ice Lake - 17:30
- Může být dnes herní notebook výhodnější než desktop? - 16:42
- GlobalFoundries postaví v Singapuru továrnu s výstupem 450 tisíc waferů ročně - 15:50
- BenQ letos kompletně omladí herní myši Zowie určené nejen pro esport - 15:25
- Nová verze DLSS 2.2 lze využít i v Cyberpunku 2077, co přinese? - 15:20
- AMD ukončilo podporu karet Radeon 200, 300, Fury a dalších - 14:05

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Latest Marvel's Avengers update has a PS5 bug that displays usernames and IP addresses - 22:46
- VR remake of Myst is coming to PC and Mac later this year, no headset required - 21:52
- NASA teams with Tide to develop laundry detergent for use in space - 20:18
- Hyundai officially takes controlling stake in robot maker Boston Dynamics - 19:44
- New AMD graphics driver adds FidelityFX Super Resolution support - 19:36
- Microsoft announces Designed for Xbox monitors from Acer, Asus and Philips - 19:12
- AMD is halting support for numerous GPU series, ranging from the HD 7000 to the Fury series - 18:39
- The best tech deals we could find on Amazon Prime Day (updated) - 18:15
- Bitcoin dips below $30,000 as China further cracks down on cryptocurrency - 17:58
- Graphics card prices and availability show more signs of improvement - 17:23
- Epic Online Services adds free anti-cheat and in-game voice functionality - 16:47
- GlobalFoundries reveals new strategy, $4B fab expansion - 16:15
- Sabrent launches a 16TB variant of the Rocket XTRM-Q external SSD - 15:41
- Developer set to use Facebook's Oculus VR ads drops plan following backlash - 15:21
- Testing AMD's FidelityFX Super Resolution (FSR): Image Analysis and Preliminary Performance - 15:00
- Doogee's rugged S97 Pro packs an 8,500mAh battery and a laser rangefinder - 14:36
- DOTA 2's International will likely move from Sweden because the government doesn't think esports ... - 13:55
- GPU prices see sharp drop in China after Sichuan authorities shut down cryptomining operations - 13:06
- Petitions demanding Jeff Bezos not be allowed back to Earth gain almost 100,000 signatures - 12:20
- Battlefield 4 has so many players right now that EA had to increase server capacity - 04:10

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- DOOM Comes to the nRF5340 - 22:00
- Pi Pico-Powered ATX Motherboard - 20:30

Podnikání v USA - Mvorisek RSS
- Dalsi stroje online v cervnu - 22:55