Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 22.07.2013

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- VRBrain vs DJI Wookong M - latest firmware rev 3.0.3 available - 23:00
- Salon: "Drones: Not Just for Killing Anymore" - 19:47
- 50km motorway mapping flight in Poland by FOTOMAPY - 18:30
- Successful Cross Country Flight! (Take off and land at different locations) - 18:22
- Self-assembling multi-copter demonstrates networked flight control - 15:30
- Arducopter HEX with round arm replacement, UPDATE: It Flies!! - 01:51 - Mvorisek RSS - Mvorisek RSS
- Británie začíná blokovat porno. Bude jen na vyžádání - 17:34
- Apple měl napadený web pro vývojáře. Mohli přijít o jména a e-maily - 10:13
- Snídaně byla jejich poslední jídlo. Divoká mise torpédoborce USS Laffey - 00:01
- Internet z vesmíru míří do Afriky. Rozšíří se i příjem televize - 00:00
- Včely stavějí plástve z kroužků, ale vycházejí jim šestiúhelníky - 00:00

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Opravujeme monitor: Fujitsu-Siemens Scaleoview L22W-7SD - 15:00
- Odškodnění Kanaďanů za vadné čipy vyjde Nvidii na 2 miliony CAD - 13:27
- Nový seťák Panasonic Lumix G Vario 14-42mm F3.5-5.6 II ASPH Mega OIS je výrazně menší - 12:00
- Hacker vylepšil funkcionalitu GeForce s linuxovým ovladačem od Nvidie - 10:35

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Raijintek debutuje se třemi procesorovými chladiči - 12:10
- AMD Kaveri se asi zpozdí, nástupce se bude jmenovat Carizo - 11:30
- Diamond nabídne jednoduchou dokovací stanici s Ethernetem - 11:00
- Článek: Doporučené LCD monitory: červenec 2013 - 02:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Leap Motion controller now shipping, coming to Best Buy on July 28 - 23:30
- AT&T to add two new tiers to Mobile Share plan and launch Nokia 520 - 23:00
- Google now brings in 25% of all North American internet traffic - 22:30
- Google now brings in 25% off all North American internet traffic - 22:30
- Canonical takes to Indiegogo to fund Ubuntu Edge smartphone - 21:45
- NSA and German intelligence sharing powerful online surveillance tools - 21:00
- Monday tech deals: HP Envy 15 quad-core Haswell laptop for $722, Samsung 840 SSD kit, Inspiron 66... - 20:30
- Canary is the world's first smart home security device for everyone - 20:00
- New e-skin pairs flexible electronics with touchscreen technology - 19:30
- Unresolved dispute between CBS and Time Warner could be great news for Aereo - 19:00
- Google begins placing email-like ads inside Gmail inbox - 18:15
- SanDisk announces two wireless flash-based storage devices - 17:45
- UK unveils plan to block online porn by default - 17:15
- Microsoft puts Internet Explorer 11 under the spotlight - 16:30
- Moto X leaked in detail, including full specs and benchmarks - 16:00
- Nvidia reschedules Shield gaming handheld launch for July 31 - 15:00
- Apple developer website hacked, security being overhauled - 14:00
- Lian Li D8000 HPTX: Double-sized chassis reviewed - 07:26
- SIM card flaw could put nearly half a billion phones at risk - 01:03

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Scratch built camera tripod - 23:01
- Multiple Raspberry Pi boards used to create video wall - 21:01
- Mac malware uses right to left character exploit - 17:01
- Animated GIFs on an Apple II - 17:00
- Complex camera rig controlled with Blender 3D - 15:01

Microchip Technology - Mvorisek RSS
- Microchip’s Certified USB3 Controller Hubs Are World’s First With On-Chip Programmable Memory - 09:00