Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 22.07.2021

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- RECENZE: ADATA XPG Invader, bytelná ulita pro masy - 16:00
- Microsoft couvl od dalšího požadavku DirectStorage: Windows 11 už nejsou nutné - 10:00
- GeForce RTX 3090, především od EVGA, umírají při hraní New World - 08:00
- Microsoft: K upgradu na Windows 11 vás nebudeme nutit - 00:00

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Event Horizon Telescope zachytil výtrysk od aktivní supermasivní černé díry - 16:00
- Chyba ve Windows 10 i 11 umožní jakémukoliv uživateli stát se adminem - 15:15
- Musk odmítl "dump", ale připustil "pump" a opětovné přijímání Bitcoinu Teslou - 14:48
- Amazon rozdává zdarma Battlefield 1 i V, co je nového s New World? - 14:30
- Intel vypustil Beast Canyon, s původními NUC už moc společného nemá - 13:05
- Na co se zaměří JWST, až začne fungovat? Lákavý je mladý systém Beta Pictoris - 12:30
- Intel se vyrovnal s inženýrem, který k Microsoftu s sebou odnesl tajné dokumenty - 11:30

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Konami's PES is now 'eFootball,' a mobile-quality game for all platforms - 22:42
- Google's revamped Wear OS won't arrive on many existing smartwatches - 21:52
- The Framework laptop gets reviewed, here are some first impressions - 21:34
- Epic's Summer Sale offers discounts on Cyberpunk 2077, Days Gone, Hitman 3 and more - 20:37
- Streamer vows to eat nothing but egg dishes as he eats 140,000+ Final Fantasy XIV eggs - 20:05
- 21st Game Developers Choice Awards: Here are the winners - 19:08
- SSC clears the air, confirms its Tuatara did not break 300 MPH barrier during controversial runs - 18:30
- Intel's new Beast Canyon NUC can accommodate a full-size graphics card - 17:28
- LG's air purifying mask updated with a microphone and speaker ahead of next month's launch - 16:59
- Facebook spent more than $31 million on personal security for Zuckerberg and Sandberg in 2020 - 16:23
- Another person arrested for Twitter hack that hijacked high-profile accounts, including Obama's a... - 14:37
- Bitcoin jumps 8% after Elon Musk says Tesla "likely" to start accepting it again, confirms Space ... - 13:55
- European Commission plans to prohibit anonymous crypto transfers and wallets - 13:13
- Graphics card prices are no longer falling rapidly - 12:18
- New Windows permissions vulnerability allows an attacker to gain access to user passwords and data - 09:14

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Detecting Ripeness in Fruit and Vegetables Via Neural Networks - 22:00
- New Video Series: Designing with Complex Geometry - 20:31