Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 22.08.2013

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- Y6 / X8 Thrust efficiency test - 20:35
- Sharp Distance Sensors with I2C - 20:00
- Drones used in the Construction Industry - 04:18
- Update: NASA UAS Airspace Operations Challenge with $500k Prize Purse - 03:39
- 3DR is Hiring: Editorial Director - 00:30 - Mvorisek RSS
- Jak zmanipulovat internetové diskuse? Stačí k tomu jeden hlas - 18:25
- Odhalil chybu a naštval šéfa Facebooku. Na odměnu se složila veřejnost - 13:55
- Podívejte se na vítězné autoportréty a kdo vyhrál projektor Epson - 11:25
- OBRAZEM: Tablet Toshiba Write umí vyhledávat v psaných poznámkách - 00:00
- Bylina tradiční čínské medicíny je horší karcinogen než tabákový kouř - 00:00
- Zachyťte krásu vědy a ukažte své nadání na soutěži FotoFest - 00:00

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Micron ukázal SSD s 16nm NAND flash čipy - 16:27
- NetBSD 6.1.1 - minoritní aktualizace - 15:00
- 5GHz FX-9590 zlevňuje o $500! - 13:30

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS
- Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0 – tablet co telefonuje i kreslí - 17:30
- Divinity: Dragon Commander – jednoduše nářez - 06:00

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Creative a herní sluchátka Sound Blaster Tactic3D Fury - 17:40
- Philips 234E5QHAB: MHL do práce i domů - 17:20
- Goodram ohlásil SSD série C - 17:00
- NVIDIA plánuje na podzim přidávat ke kartám hry od Ubisoftu - 16:30
- MSI připravilo herní All in One AG2712A - 13:20
- Mad Catz posílá na trh herní klávesnice S.T.R.I.K.E.3 - 12:00
- D-Link má nový NAS ShareCenter DNS-327L - 11:30

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Lenovo to preload Start menu replacement on Windows 8 machines - 23:30
- BBM user guides for Android and iOS arrive online, launch imminent? - 23:00
- New Nexus 7 software update to address multitouch glitches - 22:30
- Apple patent would let callers know if you're too busy to chat - 21:45
- Omate TrueSmart watch places calls, texts without your smartphone - 21:00
- Ubuntu Edge smartphone is dead, but lower-end variants still in the cards - 20:00
- Haswell Core i3 and Pentium desktop CPUs available for pre-order, shipping next month - 19:15
- Amazon launches massive, day-long Kindle Fire sale - 18:30
- Delta equips flight attendants with Lumia 820s to handle onboard sales - 18:00
- ESPN engages in talks over internet-based TV - 17:30
- Yahoo trumps Google in web traffic for first time in two years - 17:00
- Microsoft VP claims Xbox One will never be sold without Kinect - 16:00
- Windows Phone now the #2 mobile OS in Latin America - 15:00
- WikiLeaks source Bradley Manning sentenced to 35 years in prison - 13:30
- LCDSysInfo for GOverlay: A $32 LCD gadget for PC enthusiasts and tinkerers - 08:09
- Plants vs. Zombies 2 Review: Free-to-play that's good - 08:05
- Microsoft details latest Windows Phone 8 update to clear up confusion - 01:30
- Could negative resistance make graphene transistors feasible? - 00:30

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Unplayable Holophonor replica is unplayable - 23:01
- Fail of the Week: Switched-mode PSU camera battery replacement - 21:01
- Update: Whistled platform upgraded for simple word recognition - 19:00
- Crazyflie control with Leap and Kinect - 18:00
- Put in pocket change, get bitcoins - 17:00
- Free yourself from social media with classical conditioning - 15:00

Freescale Semiconductor - Mvorisek RSS

Linear Technology - Mvorisek RSS
- 60V Zero-Drift Operational Amplifier with 220nVP-P Noise Achieves Widest Dynamic Range - 17:33
- 60V Zero-Drift Operational Amplifier with 220nVP-P Noise Achieves Widest Dynamic Range - 17:28

Podnikání v USA - Mvorisek RSS
- Globalni nebo lokalni pristup - 22:54