Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 22.10.2018

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Core i9-9900K alias Coffee Lake-refresh vydán a otestován - 12:00
- Vyšlo OpenBSD 6.4 - 10:00
- Jak by vypadaly Ryzeny, pokud by AMD přešla na šestijádrový CCX? - 08:00
- Nvidia chystá nový model GeForce GTX 1060 s GDDR5X - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Intel údajně odepsal 10nm proces, ten to popírá - 23:40
- Tunel Elona Muska pod LA půjde do provozu 10. prosince - 23:00
- Linus Torvalds je zpět spolu s uvedením kernelu 4.19 - 22:17
- Micron využije opci a odkoupí podíl Intelu v 3D XPoint - 21:18
- Tesla už nenabízí plně autonomní řízení pro AutoPilot 2.0 - 17:50
- Massive Attack vydávají album Mezzanine ve spreji s DNA - 17:35
- SLI plus G-Sync způsobuje výkonnostní propad ve hrách - 17:10
- Intel Core i9-9900K přetaktován nad 7,6 GHz - 16:30
- AMD už prý má v laboratořích 7nm čipy Navi - 15:50
- Válka o právo na opravu HW pokračuje, zabavena byla dodávka baterií pro počítače Apple - 15:10
- Cooler Master uvádí výkonný CPU chladič Hyper 212 Black Edition - 14:30

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Fortnite's co-op mode 'Save The World' will not be free-to-play this year - 23:55
- Ford announces plans to test self-driving cars in Washington, DC - 23:22
- Oculus co-founder Brendan Iribe leaves Facebook - 22:38
- Firefox Quantum 63 helps block user tracking - 22:26
- Netflix is reportedly seeking $2 billion in funding for original content production - 21:43
- Rockstar informs public and employees that overtime is not mandatory - 21:12
- Samsung's new mixed reality headset with anti-screen door tech launches today - 20:45
- Red Dead Redemption 2 gameplay clip leaks ahead of October 26 release - 20:13
- eBay's new smartphone trade-in program offers instant gratification - 19:51
- Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Review - 19:28
- Thieves steal a Tesla Model S by intercepting the entry fob signal - 18:54
- Facebook is looking to buy a cybersecurity firm - 18:36
- Ultra Limited Edition of Devil May Cry 5 comes with Dante's jacket, costs $8,000 - 18:07
- Social media is one of five primary sources for gathering news among college students - 17:25
- Samsung insiders say a dedicated gaming phone is in the works - 16:58
- Super Micro begins its own investigation into Chinese spy chips - 16:19
- Shadow of the Tomb Raider's Steam sale results in review bombing - 15:37
- Backblaze's Q3 report shows large capacity drives are more reliable - 14:56
- 16-year-old beats seven-time winner to become new Tetris champ - 14:07
- Solder vs. Paste on the Core i9-9900K - 13:07
- Samsung patent shows off full-screen fingerprint scanner, phone with tiny notch - 12:24