Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 23.04.2013

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- Hydrogen Fuel Cell UAV - 21:30
- HBR: Don't Let Politics Shoot Down Potential of Domestic Drones - 18:20
- The future of GPS - 15:30
- An Open Letter to Google Chairman Eric Schmidt on Drones - 14:30
- Results of two years of work. - 14:00
- A new wing design - 07:30
- [Update] DroidPlanner v0.7.5 - 01:56 - Mvorisek RSS
- Nechejte vibrovat pouze membránu - 09:14 - Mvorisek RSS
- KVIK: Acer předběhne minitablet Microsoftu. Facebook má obrázky WebP - 16:08
- Ve vesmíru začíná být těsno. Už ho dobyla druhá soukromá loď - 12:35
- Software zdarma: Mějte aktivity dětí na PC a internetu pod dohledem - 00:00
- Překvapení: Windows 8 na starém počítači běžela rychleji než Windows 7 - 00:00

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Func MS-3: herní myš s 5670dpi snímačem a herní podložka Surface 1030 XL v testu - 00:00
- Návod: Jak vrátit starého Správce stahování do Firefoxu 20+ - 00:00
- Co pro vás chystáme: dvě nové verze Radeonu HD 7790 - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Genius uvádí na trh herní myš X-G510 pro praváky i leváky - 15:50
- Logitech má nové pouzdro s klávesnicí pro iPad - 15:20
- Philips 298P4QJEB přináší 29" obrazovku s poměrem stran 21:9 - 14:50
- Noctua zdarma nabízí alternativní montážní systém pro NH-L9a - 14:30
- ARM se chystá na 14nm FinFET technologii - 14:00
- První obrázky Lumie 928 se 41Mpix senzorem PureView - 12:45
- Intel asi zrušil desktopové Rockwell a přijde s Haswell pro HEDT - 12:30
- Přehled procesorů Haswell i s cenami - 11:45
- WD si připravil 3,5" serverové SAS disky řady XE - 11:10
- NEC ohlásil MultiSync P242W s panelem AH-IPS - 10:50

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Download: Nvidia Drivers 320.00 with performance boosts for GeForce 400/500/600 GPUs - 23:30
- Razer launches standalone 'Comms' platform with in-game overlay - 23:00
- Two Firefox OS developer phones hit the market - 22:00
- AMD unveils G-Series X, hints at future ARM-based chips for embedded market - 21:00
- Mini PC market heats up with the launch of BeagleBone Black - 20:00
- Apple issues $15 settlement checks over 'Antennagate' lawsuit - 19:00
- Western Digital ships world's first 5mm laptop HDD and hybrid variant - 18:15
- Watch this: Mind-blowing water simulation is now a reality - 17:36
- Yahoo continues streamlining effort, bids farewell to six more services - 15:30
- Upcoming Netflix family plan allows four simultaneous streams - 14:00
- Sapphire Edge VS8 Review: The $500 Mini PC - 07:26
- Nissan, NYC unveil fleet of electric taxis to celebrate Earth Day - 01:30
- Google Earth lets you fly around the globe with new Leap Motion support - 00:30
- Amazon's global Appstore expansion to encompass 200 countries - 00:00

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Rattle generator is a new type of dynamo for a bicycle - 23:01
- OTM-02 is a 3D printed wristwatch - 21:01
- What are the best hacking documentaries? - 15:15
- Console radio given new life with a WiFi router retrofit - 15:01

Microchip Technology - Mvorisek RSS

ON Semiconductor - Mvorisek RSS
- PTIC Controller - 05:26
- 4-Bit Dual-Supply Non-Inverting Level Translator - 05:25
- GFCI Controller - 05:24
- Single N-Channel Small Signal MOSFET - 05:22
- Dual N-Channel Automotive MOSFET - 05:21
- 600 V MOSFETs - 05:19
- Micro-Packaged 0.60x0.30mm TVS Diodes for ESD Protection - 05:17
- Stepper Motor Bridge Controller - 05:16
- Step Dimmable QR Primary Side Current-Mode Controller for LED Lighting - 05:13
- Step Dimmable QR Primary Side Current-Mode Controller with Thermal Foldback for LED Lighting - 05:11
- Dimmable QR Primary Side Current-Mode Controller with Thermal Foldback for LED Lighting - 05:09

Tektronix - Mvorisek RSS
- Mixed Signal Oscilloscopes - 16:30
- Digital Storage Oscilloscopes - 16:30
- Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes - 16:30
- H500 and SA2500 - 16:30