Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 23.05.2017

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- 3D Printed Halbach array Motor. 600W, over 80% efficiency! - 15:39
- Groundhog Autonomous UAV - Going faster with sunglasses - 00:00

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Tchajwan se obává HBM, aneb výrobci karet nebudou mít co žrát - 16:00
- Fujifilm Superia 200 končí, 400 má na kahánku - 14:00
- Samsung chystá roztažitelný displej - 12:00
- Flash ve Firefoxu 55 se už automaticky nepustí - 10:00
- Přehled grafických karet s GPU Vega - 08:00
- SnackHost: nemáčíme sice servery v oleji, za to máme špičkový hosting v cloudu - 08:00
- Apple vyrábí iPhone SE v Indii - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Vulkan a OpenCL se spojí do jednoho API - 17:30
- AMD dokončí vývoj designu 7nm Zen 2 a Navi ještě v tomto roce - 16:58
- Země kdysi mohla být horkým oblakem ve tvaru americké koblihy - 16:05
- Dubaj brzy nasadí prvního robotického policistu - 15:16
- Mercedes bude po vzoru Tesly vyrábět baterie pro domácnosti - 14:00
- AOC AGON AG251FG: až 240 Hz s G-Sync - 13:45

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- LeEco is laying off 70 percent of its US-based workforce - 23:32
- Apple and Nokia settle intellectual property dispute, sign multi-year licensing agreement - 22:15
- Microsoft unveils all-new Surface Pro with major battery life improvements - 21:15
- Samsung's Galaxy S8 iris scanner can be easily beat with a low-tech method - 20:30
- Origins of humans can be traced back to Europe, not Africa, study claims - 19:30
- Security flaw found in solid-state drive design - 18:45
- iPhone SE tops US customer satisfaction survey - 17:45
- The digital car - 17:04
- Dubai's robot cop is the first step towards a 25% non-human police force by 2030 - 16:22
- Valve has quietly hired the team behind Kerbal Space Program - 15:30
- 'Red Dead Redemption 2' release date pushed back - 14:30
- PayPal sues Pandora over logo similarities - 13:15
- Origin Chronos Small Form Factor Gaming PC Review - 07:00
- Nest is reportedly prepping a "4K" resolution indoor security camera - 02:36
- Supreme Court makes it harder for patent trolls to hand-pick battlegrounds - 01:30
- The next Alien VR title could be a theme park attraction - 00:45

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS

Linear Technology - Mvorisek RSS
- Ultra-Wideband 3GHz to 20GHz Mixer with Integrated LO Buffer Offers 23.9dBm IIP3 in a Tiny 3mm x... - 17:00