Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 23.06.2015

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- Tandem Heli flies autonomously with Pixhawk - 23:28
- This Week: FAA promises drone laws next year; new world record for longest flight; the “abortion ... - 22:55
- "2 hour 12 minuts WORLD’S FIRST FUEL CELL MULTIROTOR" - 22:00
- Idiot making fake video about drone hitting winglet on passanger plane. - 20:30
- Spanish company Alpha Unmanned Systems, SL takes off in Israel - 14:30 - Mvorisek RSS - Mvorisek RSS
- Nebezpečné očkování? Vyvracíme mýty a konspirační teorie z reportáže ČT - 19:42
- Na ruzyňské letiště s vybitým mobilem nechoďte. Hrozí, že neodletíte - 12:37
- Swiftová nechce hudbu zdarma. Blokuje Spotify a mění podmínky Applu - 10:29
- V devíti letech jsem měl jen 19 kilo. Zachránil mě americký penicilin - 01:02
- Novinky ze světa: namalujte obrázek pomocí chůze a nové aplikace - 00:00

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- CodeWeavers pracují na D3D 11 pro Wine, aby nové hry pod Linuxem vůbec běžely - 16:30
- GPU Fiji nevzniká v Koreji, tam je jen dokončeno pouzdro - podívejte se jak - 14:45
- Intel zatlačí na pilu, chce v SSD překonat jihokorejce ze Samsungu - 13:00
- Samsung chce uvést Galaxy S7 ve stejné době jako Apple generaci iPhone 7 - 11:15
- Nvidia se dosud nedohodla se Samsungem na 14nm výrobě - 09:30
- Linux kernel 4.1 přináší řadu novinek - 07:45
- WebAssembly: společný projekt Googlu, Microsoftu, Mozilly ad. zrychlí JavaScript - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Samsung snižuje ceny DDR4 kvůli pozici na trhu - 22:35
- Project CARS dostane druhý díl! - 22:25
- Biostar odhalil malou desku s pasivně chlazeným Celeronem - 16:46
- AMD Stoney Ridge: poslední výkřik Bulldozeru - 12:40
- AOC má také dvojici LCD s FreeSync - 12:12
- Samsung uvádí své první UHD monitory s FreeSync - 11:42

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Amazon now accepting pre-orders for Echo connected speaker - 23:45
- Industry leaders join to establish software container standards with Open Container Project - 23:00
- Learn network engineering basics with this 7 courses for 88% off - 22:30
- Crowdfunding for Project CARS 2 has already begun; developers aim for $7 million goal - 21:30
- Verizon diversifies as $4.4 billion acquisition of AOL is complete - 20:45
- Microsoft admits HoloLens will be flawed at launch - 19:45
- Apple may be plotting the demise of the iPhone's Home button - 19:00
- Batman: Arkham Knight minimum specs amended after multiple performance issues on PC - 18:15
- OnePlus 2 smartphone to have USB Type C connector - 17:30
- Samsung expected to sell 45 million Galaxy S6 smartphones this year - 16:45
- DigitalGenius raises $3M for its artificial intelligence powered customer service agent - 16:00
- Verizon crowned fastest wireless data provider in extensive mobile test - 15:00
- Facebook can now recognize you without seeing your face - 13:45
- Controversial legislation to block 'pirate' sites approved by Australian senate - 12:30
- Here we go again: Is Windows 10 Free? Yes, and No. An Explainer - 04:15
- Cyber attack leaves Polish airline grounded, passengers stranded for hours - 01:45
- Samsung's latest prototype is designed to make roadways safer - 00:30

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Remove Security Issues From Untrusted USB Connections - 22:00
- Retrotechtacular: Don’t Balk at Pitch-Up in the McDonnell F-101 Voodoo - 19:00

Freescale Semiconductor - Mvorisek RSS
- Freescale introduces world’s smallest integrated smart system for the Internet of Things - 07:00
- Freescale takes its next generation QorIQ multicore platform to 16nm FinFET technology - 07:00
- Freescale S32K MCUs Debut as First Automotive Microcontroller Product Line Designed for the Softw... - 07:00
- Freescale introduces industry’s most secure MCU platform based on ARM® Cortex®-M technology - 07:00

Microchip Technology - Mvorisek RSS
- PIC32 Harmony Software Decoder Framework and Microsoft WMA Decoder Library Introduced by Microchip - 09:00