Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 23.07.2021

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Rychlotest Haiku OS „nightly“ - 18:05
- Jak bezplatně stahovat videa z YouTube ve 4k rozlišení a formátu MP4/MP3? - 13:00
- Tape-out RDNA 3 / Navi 31 za dveřmi - 10:00
- CEO: Prodej GlobalFoundries se nekoná, máme vlastní plány - 08:00
- Radeon RX 6600 se chystá na září / říjen - 00:00

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Záhadná kometa konečně ukázala své koma - 15:15
- PlasticArm: 32bitový procesor na kusu plastu - 14:30
- Radeon RX 6700 XT byl zprovozněn na desce s RISC-V CPU - 12:50
- Seagate plánuje vyslat na trh spotřebitelské 20TB pevné disky - 12:05
- Finanční výsledky Intelu: růst PC divize vyrovnal pokles mezi servery - 02:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Apple said to be testing a new external display with a dedicated A13 Bionic SoC - 21:48
- This mod adds AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution to SteamVR games - 21:02
- Twitter and Snap saw record revenue growth in Q2 - 20:17
- Playdate pre-order details, and what early reviewers have to say - 19:36
- Google's latest doodle celebrates the Tokyo Summer Olympics with a 16-bit JRPG - 19:02
- EA confirms Dead Space remake on next-gen consoles and PC - 18:34
- Valve's Steam Deck targets 800p, 30Hz gameplay, and the internal SSD is user-replaceable - 18:08
- Amazon Prime is giving away Battlefield 1 and Battlefield V - 17:34
- Corning is now making Gorilla Glass for mobile camera lenses - 16:42
- Steve Jobs' 1973 job application form is being auctioned for a fourth time, now with an accompany... - 14:42
- Hardcore porn appears on news sites, including the Washington Post, after Vidme domain purchase - 14:09
- Many Years Later: 3GB vs 6GB GTX 1060 in Today's Games - 13:16
- AMD CPUs remain more popular than Intel's among Puget Systems' workstation customers - 12:17

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Arm Researchers Announce the PlasticArm - 22:00
- New Privacy Policy Gets Audacity Back on Track - 20:31