Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 23.08.2016

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- Tackling the European refugee crisis with solar-powered UAVs: A fully-autonomous Pixhawk-powered ... - 17:00 - Mvorisek RSS

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- EFF vyzývá Microsoft, aby jednal s uživateli Windows 10 čestněji - 15:30
- Po Xbox One S je bezprecedentní poptávka - 13:00
- 3GB verze GeForce GTX 1060 vyjde na $199 - 10:30
- O kolik je Polaris efektivnější než předchozí architektury GCN? - 08:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Poslední dění kolem Windows různých verzí - 21:25
- Modding základních desek Asus, další práce pro 3D tiskárny - 17:05
- Podíl AMD na trhu s GPU stoupá - 16:12
- AMD Zen: detaily architektury odhalují masivní jádra - 15:22
- NVIDIA připravila Parker, SoC s 256 jádry Pascal - 14:20
- Deus Ex: Mankind Divided už dnes, jaký bude? - 12:56
- Samsung chystá výkonné HBM3, ale i levné HBM pro herní hardware - 11:52

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- It looks as if Mads Mikkelsen will appear in Hideo Kojima's Death Stranding - 23:45
- Acer will reportedly unveil a gaming-minded smartwatch next month - 23:15
- Business users will decide when Windows 10 installations eclipse Windows 7 - 22:30
- Deus Ex: Mankind Divided Review - 21:30
- The public first gained access to the World Wide Web 25 years ago today - 20:30
- Consumer interest in auto tech? Slower than you think - 19:45
- Microsoft details the 24-core monster that powers HoloLens - 19:00
- ZeniMax accuses John Carmack of theft in updated Rift lawsuit; Oculus says case has no merit - 18:15
- 'Allison Road' isn't being cancelled after all - 17:15
- Tech firms and rights groups slam DHS proposals to inspect US visitors' social media accounts - 16:15
- Nvidia unveils Parker SoC, designed for autonomous vehicles - 15:15
- Amazon's upcoming streaming music service may have a $5, Echo-only tier - 14:30
- Massachusetts will tax ride-hailing firms to support taxi businesses - 13:15
- This $800 Lord of the Rings / The Hobbit box set has enraged many diehards - 07:15
- Sony is increasing the subscription price for PlayStation Plus - 02:15
- Amazon, Hyundai partnership lets you order a test drive online - 01:15
- Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is out today, season pass detailed - 00:15

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS

Linear Technology - Mvorisek RSS

ON Semiconductor - Mvorisek RSS
- Passive Tunable Integrated Circuit (PTIC) Controller - 11:47
- Passive Tunable Integrated Cirtuit (PTIC) Controller - 11:46
- N-Channel JFET, -25 V, 20 mA to 40 mA - 11:44
- N-Channel JFET, 15 V, 10 to 32 mA - 11:43
- Power MOSFET, -60 V, -1.8 A, P-Channel - 11:42
- 30 V Power MOSFET for 3-Cell Lithium-ion Battery Protection - 11:41
- Auto Focus (AF) Controller - 11:39
- Three-Phase Brushless DC Motor Controller with Gate Drivers - 11:38
- Switching Battery Charger, NVDC, 2/3/4 Cell, with SMBus Interface - 11:37

Tektronix - Mvorisek RSS
- University of Warwick Rolls Out State-of–the-Art Electronics Laboratory Using Tektronix TekSmartLab - 16:30