Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 23.01.2020
Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Udržte si motivaci a splňte si předsevzetí s fitness náramkem Xiaomi Haylou LS01 - 13:30
- Intel chystá na druhé pololetí slevy procesorů - 12:00
- Schizofrenie Intelu v noteboocích: Je rychlejší Ice Lake nebo Comet Lake? - 08:00
- Intel opustí >25 % pracovníků Data Center Group, spekuluje se o prodeji továren - 00:00
Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Matrox začne vyrábět novou řadu grafických karet s čipy NVIDIA - 19:12
- Asus ROG Bezel-Free Kit nechá zmizet rámečky mezi monitory - 16:40
- CM MasterAir G200P: nízkoprofilové chlazení s ovladačem - 16:10
- TSMC věří ve velký úspěch 5nm technologie, navýší náklady o další miliardu USD - 15:40
- Asus také nabízí RX 5600 XT se 14Gb/s paměťmi - 14:50
TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- The Witcher Soundtrack Vol. 1 hits streaming music services tomorrow - 22:40
- Psyonix will drop support for Rocket League in macOS and Linux come March - 22:12
- Get the Ultimate Cisco Certification bundle, currently 98% off with lifetime access - 21:56
- Google updated look of search results makes ads less obvious - 21:27
- Sonos kills software updates for legacy products and customers aren't happy - 21:06
- Steam celebrates the Year of the Rat with its latest Lunar New Year Sale - 20:33
- Apple to completely remove Flash support in next version of Safari - 20:02
- Tinder is doing more to make users feel safe when meeting new people - 18:47
- Graphics stalwart Matrox collaborates with Nvidia on new video card series - 17:27
- Steam reveals its most popular games in December - 16:39
- Ninja Theory announces new horror game 'Project: Mara' - 16:11
- Huawei postpones its developer conference over coronavirus fears - 14:16
- Microsoft releases preview SDK for the Surface Duo, envisions Windows 10X on foldables - 13:42
- Kids are secretly 'talking' to each other in class using AirPods and apps - 13:05
- Installing or updating Office 365 will quietly set Chrome search to Bing - 12:38
- Wasteland Remastered is hitting the market on February 25 - 12:03
- Twitter is rolling out emoji reactions for direct messages - 11:21
Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- BinDayCator Lets You Know When To Take Out The Trash - 22:00
- Spring Clamp Is Completely 3D Printed - 20:30