Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 23.10.2018

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Intel ztrácí zájem o 3D XPoint, prodává svůj podíl Micronu - 12:00
- Motion Smoothing ve SteamVR zpřístupní virtuální realitu i levnějším systémům - 08:00
- Intel prý zrušil 10nm proces - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Headset Samsung Odyssey+ nabídne především lepší displej - 18:40
- Čínská organizace chce osvětlovat zastavěná území umělými měsíci - 14:20
- Upravený NVFlash umožní do referenčních karet RTX dostat jiný BIOS - 13:00
- Atari Retro Handheld: přichází další retrokonzole - 12:20
- TSMC do konce roku 2019 připraví na sto padesát 7nm čipů - 11:50

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Oculus shuts down movie purchases for Rift users, says the device is 'primarily for gaming' - 23:27
- A new major release is coming for No Man's Sky next week called 'The Abyss' - 22:43
- Running Slack on a Super Nintendo game using an obscure satellite peripheral - 21:58
- Dell launches updated 'Latitude Rugged' durability-focused laptop line-up - 21:15
- Nintendo is bringing its Switch and Labo platforms to classrooms across the country - 20:45
- MoviePass parent company greenlights plans to distance itself from the troubled firm - 20:14
- iPhone XR review round-up: Apple makes it a two-horse race - 19:07
- Opinion: Oracle wants to make a case as cloud computing provider - 18:07
- Qualcomm announces mid-range Snapdragon 675 with triple camera support - 17:16
- Focals by North are trying to be the daily wear smart glasses - 16:06
- HTC's Exodus phone can only be bought with Bitcoin and Ethereum - 15:35
- Linus Torvalds returns to Linux project after time off to address his behavior - 14:58
- GTA V exploit let hackers affect single-player games - 14:43
- NASA captures image of bizarre, perfectly rectangular iceberg - 14:05
- A Compilation of Command Prompt Tips, Tricks & Cool Things You Can Do - 13:07
- Huawei confirms it won't be selling the Mate 20 and Mate 20 Pro in US - 12:24
- iPhone XR screen repairs will cost $199, 'other' repairs are $399 - 01:32
- The term "vaporware" was first used in reference to what company's product? - 00:41

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Racing the Beam and Dropping Some Beats - 22:00
- The Spirit Of The 80s Lives On In A MIDI Harmonica - 20:30

Microchip Technology - Mvorisek RSS