Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 23.12.2015

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- WORKSWELL AIRVISION - thermal imaging system for drones - 20:28
- Status display for ArduPilot - 20:20
- Latest stats on US drone imports and falling prices - 17:10
- Cleaned up MinimOSD code, saved some bit, added real rotation switching - 02:30
- Paparazzi UAV Release: v5.8 Stable - 01:45
- Where does private land end and public airspace begin? - 00:46
- Impressive web services interface for ROS - 00:14 - Mvorisek RSS
- Nový Zéland povolil vydání Kim Dotcoma do Spojených států - 06:44
- Neznámý kluk ze zapomenutého fotoalba. Záhada rozluštěna po 71 letech - 00:00

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Nejhorší hry, které pod stromečkem naštvou víc než fusekle - 12:00
- Rekapitulace 2015: procesory jménem CPU, APU atd. - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Dnes nám hacknuli premiéra - 22:00
- Dron málem spadnul na sjezdaře Marcela Hirschera při světovém poháru - 15:15
- Ovladač 3DRudder vám uvolní ruce - 14:57
- R9 Fury X2 pozdržena, AMD čeká na nástup VR - 11:32

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- YouTube isn't happy about T-Mobile's Binge On quality downgrades - 23:45
- The Beatles back catalog is coming to your favorite streaming service - 22:45
- Google is offering several last-minute Play Store deals for the holidays - 21:45
- Microsoft delays the Surface Hub for the second time, raises price by $2000 - 20:45
- This 'Battlefield 4' Easter egg is so complex, most won't even attempt it - 19:45
- Microsoft policy update will ban 'man-in-the-middle' adware technique used by Lenovo's Superfish - 18:45
- Kim Dotcom eligible for extradition to US, court rules - 17:45
- London experimenting with e-paper technology in bus schedule displays - 16:45
- Google is testing password-free logins that authenticate via mobile device - 15:45
- Google reportedly working on a new messaging service that will feature AI-powered chatbot assistants - 14:30
- Ouya lives on as Razer launches gaming ecosystem for its Forge TV - 13:15
- Best Monitors: Enthusiast, gaming, affordable 4K, and value picks - 06:00
- The Steam Winter Sale has begun - 00:45

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- The Hackaday 2015 Omnibus: A Puzzle So Dense, Even We Don’t Know The Answer - 23:31
- Hackaday’s Editorial Vision - 22:00