Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 24.01.2022

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Poskytovatel služby pro scalpery obhajuje svůj byznys, přirovnává jej k burze - 17:05
- 3DCenter: ceny grafických karet začínají už výrazněji klesat - 16:20
- Zaměstnanci Activision Blizzard založili své první odbory herních vývojářů - 15:50
- Intel ukazuje konfigurace mobilních Arc Alchemist - 15:20

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Steam breaks concurrent user record again, inching ever closer to 30 million - 22:31
- PlayStation inventor Ken Kutaragi shuns the metaverse, finds VR headsets "annoying" - 21:22
- James Cameron says Skynet could wipe out humanity using deepfakes - 20:56
- GPU prices are trending downward as cryptocurrencies tumble - 19:59
- Watch this YouTuber play Grand Theft Auto V on an original Game Boy - 19:19
- Leaked slide confirms Intel Arc Alchemist memory configurations - 18:45
- Intel speaks out against 12th Gen non-K CPU overclocking - 18:10
- HP 930 Creator wireless mouse available for just $42 - 17:54
- Intel patent suggests 'stacked forksheet transistors' could enable sub-3nm chips - 17:11
- Apple walks back verification system for education discounts with no explanation - 16:38
- A French surgeon tried to sell Bataclan victim's X-ray as an NFT - 14:22
- Plaid settlement will see $58 million paid to users of American Express, Venmo, Robinhood, and ot... - 13:44
- Google warns that defamation case ruling will force it to 'censor' the internet - 13:05
- What Ever Happened to Hotmail? - 12:09
- Dark Souls PvP servers suspended due to remote code execution exploit - 11:15

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Portable Pizza Oven Has Temperature Level Over 900 - 22:00
- Heart-Shaped Heartwarming Valentine’s Day Pendant - 20:30