Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 24.04.2019

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- Time to move forward... - 17:30

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- GeForce GTX 1650 vydána a otestována, Radeon RX 470 / 570 nedotáhla - 12:00
- Výtěžnost 7nm čipletů Zen 2 prý nyní dosahuje 70 % - 08:00
- Intel uvedl 35W-65W desktopové procesory Coffee Lake-refresh - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Zemětřesení na Marsu už díky InSight není jen teorie - 19:50
- Další Tesla lehla popelem, vzala s sebou ještě tři auta - 19:15
- AMD Ryzen 5 3400G a 3 3200G jsou v dohledu, jaké budou? - 17:00
- NVIDIA znemožnila brzké otestování karet GTX 1650, proč? - 16:00
- Microsoft nakonec do Windows 10 nezahrne funkci Sets - 14:50
- NASA využije ruské Sojuzy i v příštím roce - 13:20

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Apple could be planning to launch two new AirPods models by 2020, analyst claims - 23:59
- Privacy-oriented browser Brave launches 'Brave Ads,' a service that rewards you for viewing ads - 22:57
- Academy votes streaming movies can contend for Oscars - 22:33
- Screen time not recommended for infants, World Health Organization says - 21:52
- Watch this: 30-minute live play shows off Minecraft's 'ray tracing' mod in all of its glory - 21:13
- Nintendo Switch could see its first price dip this June - 20:29
- The next Call of Duty could be Modern Warfare 4 - 19:45
- Microsoft blocks Windows 10 May 2019 update for PCs with USB storage or SD cards attached - 19:05
- Code suggests Nvidia is working on a 2-in-1 Shield Tablet - 18:29
- iFixit gives Galaxy Fold repairability score of just 2, identifies flaws - 17:56
- MS Paint will remain in Windows 10 after all - 17:27
- HMD Global investigating Nokia 9 fingerprint scanner that can be fooled using pack of gum - 16:54
- Tesla is refreshing the Model S and Model X with new motors and longer range - 16:17
- World War Z sells over one million copies in first week - 15:38
- Facebook hires legal advisor who helped create the Patriot Act - 14:52
- Donald Trump meets Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey to discuss social media - 14:03
- Apple aims for next-day repairs on faulty butterfly keyboards - 13:17
- Chrome 74 arrives with Dark Mode support for Windows - 12:20
- GeForce GTX 1650 Review: Turing at $150 - 05:17
- AT&T and Sprint settle misleading '5G E' branding lawsuit - 01:32
- Intel 9th-gen desktop lineup is here, finally fleshes out the Coffee Lake Refresh - 00:41
- Apple CEO Tim Cook calls for tech industry regulation - 00:01