Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 25.02.2020

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Je i GDC 2020 v ohrožení? Sony a Facebook se již odhlásily - 12:00
- Nvidia Ampere GA100 může být historicky největší GPU s plochou 826 mm² - 08:00
- Dokument Hynixu popisuje Radeon RX 5950 s 5120 stream-procesory a 24 GB HBM2e - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Overclocker obohatil své chlazení o ledového draka vyfukujícího dusík - 16:20
- 16jádrový Ryzen 9 3950X vyjde na polovinu ceny hypotetického monolitu - 15:40
- AMD na Mindfactory drtí Intel, získává 86% tržní podíl - 15:24
- Raspberry Pi 4 v nové revizi má opravený USB C - 14:50
- AOC představuje rychlý monitor AG273QZ se 27" panelem - 14:20
- Igor's Lab: NVIDIA Ampere v březnu ještě nečekejme - 13:40
- CD Projekt je 2. největší evropské herní studio, ovšem s velkým odstupem od 1. - 12:00
- Mars je definitivně seismicky aktivní, InSight detekoval 174 záchvěvů - 11:20

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Mozilla begins rolling out DNS encryption by default for Firefox users - 23:04
- Half-Life remake Black Mesa finally has a launch date - 22:14
- Nintendo went out of its way to fulfill this Game Boy service request - 21:38
- Samsung's Galaxy S20 smartphones are the first to reach 'Certified USB Fast Charger' status - 20:48
- Apple and TikTok won't testify in a March congressional hearing about their ties with China - 20:14
- Expedia cuts 3,000 jobs after pursuing growth too aggressively - 19:41
- Buy Cyberpunk 2077 on Xbox One, get it for free on Xbox Series X - 18:38
- Intuit is buying personal finance startup Credit Karma for $7.1 billion in cash and stock - 18:13
- CD Projekt is now Europe's second most valuable game company - 17:22
- Amazon opens first full-sized cashier-free grocery store in Seattle - 16:55
- Samsung now mass producing 16GB LPDDR5 mobile DRAM for next-gen smartphones - 15:52
- Opinion: Intel focuses on 5G infrastructure - 15:22
- Xbox One players will soon be able to eject discs with their controller - 14:19
- Billionaire Apple investor Warren Buffett finally upgrades his $20 flip phone to an iPhone - 13:50
- Revamped Windows 10 Start Menu could replace Live Tiles - 12:57
- Huawei made a surprisingly decent 5G clone of the Apple iPad Pro - 12:03
- EA and Hideo Kojima join Sony and Facebook in skipping GDC 2020 over coronavirus fears - 11:15
- NASA's InSight lander detects 'marsquakes' on the Red Planet - 00:31

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS

Tektronix - Mvorisek RSS
- 5 Series MSO (Windows OS) Firmware - V1.24.9 - 01:00
- 6 Series MSO (Windows OS) Firmware - V1.24.9 - 01:00