Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 25.04.2017

DIY Drones - Mvorisek RSS
- Skyhunter Pixhawk 3.7.1 parameters and configuration - 17:04
- More powerful Pixhawk 3 coming soon - 16:00
- FlytBase Now Also Supports Ardupilot - 07:51
- DARPA swarming challenge kickoff. So many 3DR Iris+s! - 01:36
- Cheap Fixed Wing Mapping - 00:30

Deep in IT - Mvorisek RSS
- Nová generace low-profile grafik přichází - 16:00
- Ricoh představil 360° kamerku Theta se 4k záznamem - 14:00
- Výkon Vegy je srovnatelný s GeForce GTX 1080 Ti a Titan Xp - 12:00
- Samsung představil 10nm FinFET proces druhé generace - 10:00
- Hynix uvedl 16GHz GDDR6 (+ rekapitulace grafických pamětí) - 08:00
- Fujifilm SQ10, hybridní digitál s instantní fotografií - 00:00

PCTuning - Mvorisek RSS

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Lyrebird umí zkopírovat hlas kohokoliv z minutového záznamu - 16:18
- Spotřebitelské Intel Optane otestovány, je o co stát? - 14:10
- ZX Spectrum Next: zpětně kompatibilní kopie legendy - 13:08
- AOC a F. A. Porsche uvádí monitory PDS - 12:25
- Nový Radeon Pro Duo, tentokrát 2x Polaris - 11:52

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- NTT Docomo announces world's first spherical, lighted drone - 23:30
- Lyrebird can clone anyone's voice in 60 seconds - 22:45
- Uber to demonstrate Elevate air taxi service in 2020 - 22:00
- Google updates search to further combat fake, offensive content - 21:00
- Professional Overwatch player kicked from team, quits eSports after racist rant during streamed m... - 20:15
- Alien: Isolation 2 may be on Creative Assembly's drawing board - 19:30
- HipChat resets user passwords after hacker steals names, emails, more - 18:45
- The robotic future - 17:45
- Waymo invites Arizona residents to apply for limitless, free rides in its self-driving cars - 17:00
- Auto design legend Henrick Fisker plans to unveil his Tesla competitor in August, 400 mile range - 16:15
- Lock in a lifetime of VPN protection with PureVPN, currently 80% off - 15:45
- Amazon wants to use self-driving tech to help with deliveries - 14:45
- Here's the fan-made 'Breath of the Wild' 2D remake you've yearned for - 14:00
- CEO issues 'apology' following backlash for selling user data to Uber - 13:15
- Verizon announces a new almost-gigabit internet plan starting at $70 / month - 02:00
- DJI is now accepting pre-orders for FPV goggles - 01:15
- Tesla to double the number of Superchargers worldwide in 2017 ahead of Model 3 launch - 00:30

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Heavy Metal Detectors - 22:00
- Hackaday Prize Entry: Brightenmacher - 20:30

Linear Technology - Mvorisek RSS
- 65V, 8A (IOUT), Synchronous Step-Down Silent Switcher 2 Delivers 94% Efficiency at 2MHz & Ultralo... - 17:00

ON Semiconductor - Mvorisek RSS

Tektronix - Mvorisek RSS