Mvorisek Czech Republic - Michael Voříšek
Archiv: 25.04.2023

Svět hardware - Mvorisek RSS
- Lidové EV BYD Seagull za 250 tisíc Kč? Kolik by mohlo v EU opravdu stát? - 21:30
- Japonská sonda Hakuto-R se chystá na přistání na Měsíci, sledujte to živě - 19:43
- Nové BIOSy MSI a Asusu omezují max. napětí Ryzenů 7000X3D, aby se nepálily - 16:30
- Netflix letos po 25 letech skončí s půjčováním DVD, v září pošle to poslední - 13:30
- Mobilní AMD Ryzeny 8000: prý by mohly mít i iGPU na úrovni 90W RTX 4070 - 11:00
- Die Aktuelle zveřejnilo falešný rozhovor se Schumacherem, vznikl pomocí AI - 02:00

TechSpot - Mvorisek RSS
- Little-known Microsoft Edge feature is inadvertently sending info on the sites you visit to Bing - 23:48
- Seagate reduces carbon footprint with refurbished storage drives - 23:04
- AT&T and comsat partner complete the first satellite 'direct-to-smartphone' call - 22:13
- This custom NES cartridge has a Wi-Fi chip for online gameplay - 20:43
- AMD Ryzen Z1 series APUs to debut in Asus ROG Ally handheld console - 20:08
- What was the first widely-used web browser? - 19:48
- SeaChange is a new technology designed to capture carbon dioxide using ocean water - 19:16
- Opera One is a newly redesigned modular browser - 19:08
- OnePlus prices first Android tablet at $479, ships on May 8 - 18:29
- Spotify's user base swells to 515 million listeners, but financial losses persist - 17:48
- Researchers discover new side-channel attack that works against Intel CPUs - 17:13
- VirusTotal can now scan and analyze potentially malicious scripts using AI - 16:37
- "Crypto is dead in America," says tech billionaire who predicted Bitcoin would hit $200,000 - 15:58
- Google Authenticator introduces two-factor access code synchronization to the cloud - 15:24
- This new SSD claims to have built-in AI-powered ransomware protection - 14:59
- Blizzard reveals Diablo 4 launch PC system requirements: 32GB RAM & RTX 3080 for 4K - 14:31
- Supreme Court rejects lawsuit seeking patents for AI-created inventions - 13:47
- How USB Works: From 'Plug and Pray' to Being Everywhere - 12:55
- Almost half of all refurbished smartphones sold last year were Apple iPhones - 12:16
- Epic Games loses antitrust appeal in its battle against Apple's walled garden - 00:02

Hack a Day - Mvorisek RSS
- Very Slow Movie Player Avoids E-Ink Ghosting With Machine Learning - 22:00
- Op Amp Contest: A Slice Of The ’70s - 20:30